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Hi all,

Just wanted to say how useful this forum has been (as a non-member) whilst looking to get setup with my first scope. Searching (via Google) through the posts on this forum has been extremely useful. So I figured I'd create an account and get involved (and hopefully return the favour) - Thank you all :)

My best friends have given me an Explorer 200P EQ5 for my 30th so I've been quite keen in learning from the vast experience here.

As for me, I'm a Network Manager at a Secondary School in Street, Somerset. I've been keen on Astronomy/Astrophysics for at least 15 years and hope to expand my knowledge with some real life Astronomy.

That's about it - short and sweet - hopefully I'll have some reasonable contributions in the near future.


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Hi Ross and welcome to the lounge. That's a very nice bit of kit you've got there and the SGL forum has covered pretty much every aspect of setting up and using the combination. Assuming it's the manual EQ-5, here are some topics which may give you inspiration for searching whilst you're waiting for the skies to clear: Collimation, Eyepieces-the very least you need, and AstroEQ ( how to make your EQ-5 computer driven the DIY way).

All the best...

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

Avocette: I was just beginning to realise that today. I've been looking into the X-Cel-LX Series or the BST Explorers. There's still some basic things that I need to get to grips with, though I'd rather search the forums first before asking a question that is already answered :)

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