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Hello from Sweden :)


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Hello, I've been a member here for about a half month but haven't had the time to introduce myself. Im 15 years old and i live in Sweden.

My interest are Muay Thai, video games such as League Of Legends and of course astronomy.

I have always loved astronomy so my dad gave a scope to me on my birthday, the nexstar 130 slt. Ive enjoyed it when it has been clear skies. So far ive looked at Jupiter, Orion Nebula, The moon, Some other nebula that i cant remember the name of, and 2 galaxies. Looking forward to see saturn and its rings. Ive aslo seens some meteors and 2 satellites and a airplane, lol. 

Im going to start doing astrophoto with the canon eos 1000 D. I know it isn't the best scope for astrophoto but still :). Its going to be hard due to the prime focus issue, but i will fix it by moving the mirror. So wish me good luck :)

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Welcome to SGL - Glad that you are enjoying your stay so far!! If you have any problems then do give a shout, someone will generally know the answer - Myself excluded!!

Look forward to seeing you around and good luck with the AP :smiley:

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Welcome from 'not a James'. Good luck with your adventure. You will probably see the Northern Lights, which is something most people around this neck of the woods can only dream of.


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 Hi Vagif and welcome to SGL. Sounds like you are well on your way to a life long hobby that is so rewarding and fun. BTW, I am half Swedish and half Portuguese  but can't speak a word of either language since when my grandparents came here, it was frowned on to speak their mother language so us kids never learned either language. Anyway, wish you many clear skies and lots of fun stargazing :cool:

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 Hi Vagif and welcome to SGL. Sounds like you are well on your way to a life long hobby that is so rewarding and fun. BTW, I am half Swedish and half Portuguese  but can't speak a word of either language since when my grandparents came here, it was frowned on to speak their mother language so us kids never learned either language. Anyway, wish you many clear skies and lots of fun stargazing :cool:

Not just a lifetime ''hobby''. Im going to study astronomy in the future, maybe work for nasa, but thats just a dream. Ive been working hard for this dream, its going well, i got A in math, technic (if technic exist in English schools), physics and chemistry.

You only live once, and im going to spend that life on astronomy :D 

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