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New to stargazing

mark bushnell

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Hi All.

Just go a Celestron Astro 114EQ....

I got a 20mm and a 10mm eye piece.

Aint go a clew if there any good aint had much chance to use it yet. I got Jupiter and its moons so far.

What are barlow lenses they come in x2 and x3..

Sorry to sound thick but what do the times 2 and 3 by?

Do you attach them to your eye piece?

Any help please..



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Welcome to SGL Mark - I don't look through the scopes, just take pictures, so my knowledge is limited to say the least. A barlow goes in between your scope and the eye piece that you are using. If it's a 2x for example it will magnify (I think that's the right term) your view by 2x.

There's lots of info on the forum and a few folks who know what they are talking about - They'll be along soon, correct me and I'll look a real numpty!! :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hello and welcome to SGL.

Sara has it covered! Focuser - barlow - eyepiece. So for your 'scope with a focal length of 1000mm, the supplied 20mm and 10mm eyepieces give a magnification of x50 and x100. Adding a 2x Barlow in effect doubles that to x100 and x200.


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Hi Mark, welcome to SGL :)

The replies above have the use of the Barlow covered. But, your scope will be overstretching at x200. You'd be better getting an eyepiece of around 6mm that would give x167 and is a realistic maximum for your scope.

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Yep, fair point, I was just answering the question, not suggesting you get one!

In fact, I wouldn't recommend it at all with eyepieces you already have. As Mr Spock said, using a barlow with the 10mm would probably be overdoing it and a barlow with the 20mm would give you the same as the 10mm you aready have!


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Welcome Mark!

Im relatively new to all this and the forum has been invaluable!! You've come to the right place :)

I will share my experience of using my Barlow ×2, the first time I used it the atmosphere was rubbish and I could not get a point of focus at all.. thought I was using it wrong, but on a good night (good atmosphere and seeing) looking at Jupiter through it blew my mind!! Couple of good tips ive had is, to put something over your head like a jumper or towel when observing helps to block out any excess light. Keep both eyes open when observing to stop squinting and cover the eye thats not viewing! Keep looking at the same object for a while, the more you look the more you WILL see ;) on a good night get your scope set up and outside at least on hour before use to acclimatise, stops condensation :)

Have fun, good luck and heres hoping for clear skies for you :)

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Hi Mark and welcome to the forum. Lots of good advice given already so don't hesitate to post any question that you need an answer for. There is no such thing as a daft questions but some answers might wander in that direction!  :grin: One last thought, there is so much to learn that none of us know it all and even if that were possible, the amount of new discoveries that contradict our existing knowledge will go a long way to ensure that we are all beginners really - so you're in good company!

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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