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hi from liverpool

dave mak

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hi everyone, just got a telescope for christmas. my girlfriend got me a "CELESTRON AstroMaster 76EQ" which by what i have read is a pretty decent first scope, and it looks great.

still lots to work out about the scope for me to use it properly but i had a pretty impressive first night last night, in the back alley behind my house was the best place i could get to were i could have a clear view of jupiter.

it took me about 45mins to get the planet in my scope as i had no idea which buttons and knobs did what, and using the built in starfinder lazer thingymabob was useless (probably using it wrong).

anyway i managed to get a look at it and i could clearly see three moons which blew me away, i have always had a fascination for IO, so i was pretty chuffed to get my own view of jupiter and possibly IO (still a bit more learning before i can identify what moons were in view.

and in the hope that my camera on my phone was decent enough to capture some images, i crudely pressed it up against the eyepiece and started to snap away.

here's three that turned out the best if anybody is intrested, i know their not much to look at but they made me tingle :)




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thanks for the welcome everyone. 

not had a chance to get back out again yet as its been a bit cloudy out and i only really have access to the sky from north to east as there are houses and lights in the way. not the best conditions for viewing but it will do a job while i familiarise myself with the workings of it. so i have been playing about with stellarium looking for easy targets.

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Hi Dave, from me too another newbie, I can really relate when you write how looking at the views of Jupiter and it's moons made you tingle.  I was out last night with a friend viewing Jupiter with his astromaster 130 and we where agreeing about how far we're looking (amazing) and then at Orions Nebula and how big it is 24 LY across and 1,344 LY from the end of our scope.  The figures are mind blowing, I could show hundreds of people through the scope last night and I'm sure the majority of them would be 'is that it', not knowing about all the figures and dimensions.....yes I feel like you when viewing........I get that 'tingling feeling' and almost feel a connection with what I'm viewing but I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones who do :eek:  I hope you get many, many more tingling feelings to come.

Best wishes


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