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Jupiter 9th Dec


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Here is an image from the 9th Dec, forgot that I hadn't finished it and only now got back to processing after a busy period.

Can see the nice red/orange oval in the NPR just past the meridian. Seeing wasn't that brilliant, still waiting for the good seeing we had last year.




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You made the most of the seeing Peter. we just seem to be getting way to long between sessions, to get into the swing of it generally. Often things improve when we work at it. But we really are not getting the chance to do that this year. I know we go on a lot about our weather. But really its just a blow out most of the time isn't it. Still we can only hope we get some consistent chances soon. Though its not looking promising.

Good detail inside the GRS

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Superb and I aspire to be able to take images as good as yours one day.

I'm new to astronomy and can't see anything as good as your image when I look at Jupiter through my scope. Is it normal for the image to look better if captured by a CCD.

Please will you explain how you did it and what equipment you have.

I have a Celestron CPC925 and connect my standard Canon EOS550 to it - would that be sufficient? Looking forward to your response.

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Hi All,

Thanks for the kind comments. To A40, I use a C11 and a DMK21AU618 mono camera. Videos are taken though red,green and blue filters. They are then processed using free software from the web such as AutoStakkert AS2 or Registax..

This link gives a good description of the techniques used. http://www.iceinspace.com.au/63-468-0-0-1-0.html

It takes a lot of patience and good seeing conditions to get the finest images. Never give up is my advice. This community is full of hints and tips and people who are willing to help.

Good luck


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