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Just saying helloooo


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Hi everyone, just saying a quick hello from west Wales.  I came across this site whilst doing a google search on telescope reviews and as such a plethora of  knowledge on here , I just had to join, not that I'll be adding to it mind you :Envy: (or not for a long while yet).   With these fairly recent clear nights my astronomy interest has been piqued again (after a 12 year lay off).  Not actually got a scope yet but looking at a refractor on a goto EQ mount.  Did have a Meade reflector 4.5" with a goto and loved it, but don't have the space for a reflector really.  In a bit of a quandary over choosing the size/make really, as obviously I want a better image quality than my old Meade and without actually looking down the scopes and comparing them all at night, it makes the choosing a bit difficult and as such could be expensive if I get it wrong.

If you're interested this is my short list (in my head any way)

Sky-Watcher EVO 80ED DS-Pro & HEQ5 pro

Sky-Watcher Evostar 120 EQ3 Pro Skyscan GOTO

Celestron Omni XLT 120

Sky-Watcher Startravel 150 EQ

Sky-Watcher 120 (not sure about mount type)

Theirs a big spread ref the amount of readies required from the top to the bottom, but it doesn't matter as I can't afford any of them!   It''ll be on the plastic fantastic (credit card) and pay off on interest free over the next few months, or will be cash if I find a secondhand one (shame I can't look in the 'for sales' on here, but hey ho that's the rules for us newbies.

I know people say set your budget then go with this but my train of thought at the moment is I don't want to waste a few hundred on something which later I think 'shoot should've gone bigger or better especially if I'm not happy with the images I'm getting'. 

So back to my research and getting all boggle eyed again :shocked:

Looking forward to reading and viewing all the great stuff on here

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Welcome to SGL

I have my eye on a 80ED, they are light grab and go, and will work on both EQ3/5 mounts.

IMO u only need to go for ED if you want to image.

For observation the startravel is more aperture for pound.

But if you only want to observe then stick with a alt az mount as it is easier setup.

Anyway enjoy

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Hey ... :laugh:  thanks for all the welcomes and advice and only 24hrs later I am now the proud owner of a scope!  Not a refractor as I was planning but just picked up a second hand Celestron Nexstar 6SE, couldn't resist it really at the price, this will get me going and I can get the refractor at a later stage to add to my armamentarium.  So, one small step towards becoming an astronomer (it's now going to continue raining for the next several weeks I'm sure, sorry everyone).  Right, off to read some instructions manuals ready for action for when that window in the weather does appear.

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