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Hello I'm David from Teesside, England.

Although I've always an interest in the night sky i'm still a novice at all of this. I am looking at buying my first telescope so I can see the other planets!

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Welcome DGU.

Your first choice of scope is very much dependent on what you're looking for (and hoping to look at!).

A 5" reflector (like the ones you've been advised) is a great start, I think. I started out with the same size scope and was able to see LOTS of beautiful things in the night sky. It showed me enough to spark a lifelong love/passion for astronomy that has seen me upgrade and spend lots on new toys :) can I say though, the 5" brought my curious mind as much (if not, more) joy and amazement than anything that I've bought since!

Good luck with you choice, I hope whatever you choose sparks a passion in you like the Celestron Nexstar 130SLT did in me!

Clear skies,


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Hello and welcome mate :)  You wont find better advice anywhere else than on here.

I wish i could offer you advice on your first scope but i jumped in at the deep end and bought an 8 inch Reflector that i havnt even had a chance to use thanks to the poor weather but there will be many poeple on here who can point you in the right direction.

Good luck in choosing a scope and i hope it brings you much pleasure and enjoyment.

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