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Any further news about the S@N


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My mother always told me: "If you don't have anything good to say................don't say anything". 

So i am not going to say anything about a certain "presenter" on the show, who is more of a frequent guest then actual presenter. 

It will be interesting to see if the show goes on as is or the format is revised. I think it works well as it is right now.

Well done to the powers that be in the BBC for not axing the show. I really think astronomy, and space in general is becoming more mainstream and that people who may have only ever had a glancing interest in it are now taking a stronger interest.

I know the news media are.........................even if they dont always get it right when reporting on events. Thats just because they dont know the right terminology to use and cant tell the difference between their Ursa Major and their Ursa Minor (see what i did there!!!!!!!!!!!).

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I suppose more people want to eat than stand outside in the freezing cold looking at stars. Stomach always comes first.  :D

Unarguable logic to that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

If they base the program on the format of the latter few - University visit and a technical area and a visit to a local club it seems to work fairly well. I know the last one was all on a star party that to an extent helped - minor variation is different.

Gives a bit of publicity to a university and also to a local astro club, and is not a copy of the original so makes it's own mark. I mainly wish I could manage to locate it at a reasonable time. Seen the last 2 at something like 2:00 am. :eek:

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Honestly, I can't believe the mentality of some people. cry and throw a wobbly when s@n might get canned then when it's declared safe for another year or two it's straight back to moaning about the format and presenters. just curious....why did you want it saved? I sometimes wonder if they are waiting for spm2 to come along and buy the house so all can "get back to normal". It ain't gonna happen so get over it. 

And Paul, did your mother also tell you to make so many insinuations that there is no doubt what-so-ever that you are casting aspersions about John C. without actually having the courage to name names?

Dave-T, Sorry, but if approx. 3-4 mins impersonations in 12 mths is too much (impersonations endorsed by spm), then perhaps it's time to change the channel. As an enthusiastic amateur, I wish him all the best.

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Honestly, I can't believe the mentality of some people. cry and throw a wobbly when s@n might get canned then when it's declared safe for another year or two it's straight back to moaning about the format and presenters. just curious....why did you want it saved? I sometimes wonder if they are waiting for spm2 to come along and buy the house so all can "get back to normal". It ain't gonna happen so get over it. 

And Paul, did your mother also tell you to make so many insinuations that there is no doubt what-so-ever that you are casting aspersions about John C. without actually having the courage to name names?

Dave-T, Sorry, but if approx. 3-4 mins impersonations in 12 mths is too much (impersonations endorsed by spm), then perhaps it's time to change the channel. As an enthusiastic amateur, I wish him all the best.

Well said.

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Honestly, I can't believe the mentality of some people. cry and throw a wobbly when s@n might get canned then when it's declared safe for another year or two it's straight back to moaning about the format and presenters. just curious....why did you want it saved? I sometimes wonder if they are waiting for spm2 to come along and buy the house so all can "get back to normal". It ain't gonna happen so get over it. 

And Paul, did your mother also tell you to make so many insinuations that there is no doubt what-so-ever that you are casting aspersions about John C. without actually having the courage to name names?

Dave-T, Sorry, but if approx. 3-4 mins impersonations in 12 mths is too much (impersonations endorsed by spm), then perhaps it's time to change the channel. As an enthusiastic amateur, I wish him all the best.

Couldn't agree more with all you just said here. Well done for speaking up. Some people really aren't happy unless they're complaining about something. Its very much a 'schoolyard mentality' of trying to get people to think you're the big man for putting someone else down.

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Dave-T, Sorry, but if approx. 3-4 mins impersonations in 12 mths is too much (impersonations endorsed by spm), then perhaps it's time to change the channel. As an enthusiastic amateur, I wish him all the best.

No objections to impersonators doing impersonation shows, I'm as fond of them as the next person. No objection to JC being a S@N presenter/ columnist, just think the SPM impersonation is getting a bit stale now, haven't actually analyzed the length ofthem viz a viz the whole show.

Certainly not going to stop watching because of it as I've been watching since the early B&W days.


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I see the Beeb has found enough money for yet another cookery program :)


I am now convinced the bbc has a neurotic food obsession which it assumes  everyone else possesses.

in last months S@N Lintott was judging a cake competition and this month they showed a pic of a cake sent in by  a viewer . who gives a cluck? you just can't escape references to food on tv these days.

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I am now convinced the bbc has a neurotic food obsession which it assumes  everyone else possesses.

in last months S@N Lintott was judging a cake competition and this month they showed a pic of a cake sent in by  a viewer . who gives a cluck? you just can't escape references to food on tv these days.

Did anyone else notice the prize he gave out for the best cake was Turn Left at Orion. Thought that was quite cool. By the way tenbyfifty love the H. Jackson Brown Jr quote. Happens to be quite topical for me at the moment. Career opportunities...

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Did anyone else notice the prize he gave out for the best cake was Turn Left at Orion. Thought that was quite cool. By the way tenbyfifty love the H. Jackson Brown Jr quote. Happens to be quite topical for me at the moment. Career opportunities...

wish i'd found that quote 20 years ago!

Beware the comfort zone ! it can turn into a black hole and swallow u up.

best of luck with yr chosen career. what's that other old cliche: if u find something

u love doing you'll never have to do a hard days work again.

the quote was from this site btw:


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