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ok "old comer" here

Why is it so hard to find the tutorials and other stuff newcomers would find useful so that they do not feel pressured into posting on a subject they feel unsure about and probably feel reluctant to ask.

Earlier today there was a question about Newtonian collimation.  Not a new question but where is the tutorial? There is one, I've read it, but I couldn't find it.

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Cannot set up my AZ Goto Skywatcher 1145P and getting frustrated. Please help

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Explain what you have done and what worked and what didn't.  Don't worry too much about the technical jargon, there is usually someone that can "decipher" (not the word I was looking for but it will have to do ) and explain what you need to do.

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Is it in the primers and tutorials section? That's a sub board of this one and just above this thread on the screen?

Lowezone if you post your question into the equipment help section far more people will read it and hopefully be able to help you out.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This forum has helped me immensely (whether directly or indirectly via google)

When I was looking to get into astronomy I used google a lot to answer the questions I had. Strangely google kept bringing me back here , so it made sense to join the forum. Since joining I've found the people here to be one of the friendliest and helpful communities on the internet. 

You all deserve a massive pat on the back for welcoming us newbies and our relentless questioning, with patience understanding and good humour. 

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I've been reasonably active in the Beginners forum for about a month now after buying my first telescope.

The forums have been a great help with technical issues and general banter in a very friendly way. No one pushes their own views in a way that would upset anyone, unlike another forum I have used on a different hobby.

I've raised a few questions and with my photographic background and the research I've done myself and read within the forums have also tried to add to other topics raised.

I'm sure that everyone is aware that these are the thoughts of the individual and everyones views are always welcome as I believe that you need to see both sides of the story to help you make up your own mind rather than be told what to do when that applies.

Many thanks to all the forum members, you honest comments are always appreciated.

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I would love to give you guys some feedback of what could be done to improve these forums but I honestly cannot.

After just a few posts, revealing my ignorance, I am not chastised or even remotely made to feel "small" for my lack of knowledge, quite the contrary, my questions are reviewed and considered and replied to with a subtext of including me in the answer. I am so used to "fanboy vs hater" in the majority of forums I have been part of, it is refreshing to just chill out and converse with like minded people who don't try and enforce a "like mind". Elitist snobbery just doesn't factor here.

Love it and thank you to all.

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Hello all, I've just signed up.  I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada(east coast).  I came across this site while looking for repair/upgrade information about an EQ5 mount I was buying second hand.  I liked the info I read in the AstroEQ forum so I joined up so that when I get around to purchasing AstroEQ, I'll have all the help available.  :p

Thanks in advance for all the help I know I'll get. :laugh:

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I've been around for about six weeks or so and am in awe of both the knowledge and the generosity of so many here - it's a wonderful forum.

One possible idea for improving what is already great would be to have sections for different scopes. For instance, I've just bought a 130P-DS - it would be great to have a section just for that where folk with the same OTA can discuss matters specific to them.

However, I realise that there are a lot of scopes out there and that this would be a lot of work to set up...

I look forward to learning much more over the months ahead :)

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Hi Daz,

I joined the forum in November and since then have learned a lot about my new hobby thanks to the group (as I am not naturally gifted to find objects in the sky).

One of my problems has been to find an area/place where it is really dark. What would really help me and maybe others is if there would be a map (of the UK) indicating where there are specially good spots with no/very low light pollution. I live in Cheshire and although I think I know the area, I would find it very helpful to know, where best to place my telescope. This also could help to optimise travel plans for weekend trips.



the black mountains n beacons are very dark I think they have been voted the best dark skies in the country ..nice area too

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  • 3 weeks later...

Joined the team only about a week ago and I find myself checking in a few times everyday now

The wealth of knowledge, experience and honest opinions that can be gained here is extraordinary!

I originally came across this site while searching for eyepiece reviews on Google, it seemed that no matter what I typed into the search box relating to astronomy I would always find a link straight to here!!

It's still early days yet, I have much more to learn and equipment to upgrade and I'm sure that as long as the dark heavens keeps me looking up i will always find what I want right here at SGL!!

Thanks guys!!

Anthony :-D

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So far the reception has been great.  While this is a forum and is certainly a reservoir of knowledge, it's not the same as being around other astronomers. 

1)  I would personally like to see postings for star parties around the globe.  Perhaps have a "Star Party" section that then breaks into subsections of continents then further into nations, etc. so us beginners have an ability to connect face-to-face with astronomers.  Are there local clubs in our area?  How do we contact them?

2) Many of us know very little about where the good sites are in our area to observe.  Any details on dark sites in our area would be a tremendous tool to keep new astronomers engaged and not depressed by the poor views as seen through city skies.

3) A sticky note on what telescopes to purchase based on a new astronomers wants and constrains are.  Whether they be location, budget, portability, etc.  Some sort of chart perhaps.  This is not to take away from the section which already exists that aids new astronomers to get pertinent questions answered.  It will, however, cut down on the amount of people becoming confused by what can be a very arcane and obtuse hobby.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jackstay,

We do have section for at least some of the things you mention below.

So far the reception has been great.  While this is a forum and is certainly a reservoir of knowledge, it's not the same as being around other astronomers. 

1)  I would personally like to see postings for star parties around the globe.  Perhaps have a "Star Party" section that then breaks into subsections of continents then further into nations, etc. so us beginners have an ability to connect face-to-face with astronomers.  Are there local clubs in our area?  How do we contact them?

We have a section on star parties here - http://stargazerslounge.com/forum/45-star-parties/

2) Many of us know very little about where the good sites are in our area to observe.  Any details on dark sites in our area would be a tremendous tool to keep new astronomers engaged and not depressed by the poor views as seen through city skies.

We sort of have area for this - http://stargazerslounge.com/forum/165-observatories/ which includes some dark sky sites.

Also the social groups section has groups in some areas, - http://stargazerslounge.com/forum/103-social-groups/ but we've not looking at setting up any fresh groups.

3) A sticky note on what telescopes to purchase based on a new astronomers wants and constrains are.  Whether they be location, budget, portability, etc.  Some sort of chart perhaps.  This is not to take away from the section which already exists that aids new astronomers to get pertinent questions answered.  It will, however, cut down on the amount of people becoming confused by what can be a very arcane and obtuse hobby.

Trouble with that is that everyone has specific requirements and advice that is good for one isn't good for another. It's easier and more specific for people to just post what their exact requirements are and we help them spend their money - it's almost as good as spending our own money :)


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This is such a great site with so much knowledge from its fantastic members, I have only recently joined up and already spent a good few hours reading peoples posts and answers and there is not one cocky or abrupt answer . "Long live the SGL"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I enjoy this site immensely. I rather like the fact that all info is not always "at the tip of your fingers"

If everything is available in a few easy pages, why ask any questions??...just post everything that's ever been posted about so and so.

I LIKE to hear someone else's viewpoint or idea about various topics even if it's something I already know the answer to.. :)

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As a newbie to all this astronomy lark, this site is simply brilliant. Everyone is friendly, helpful & I don't feel intimidated or looked down upon for my lack of knowledge & basic technical know-how. There's none of the childish "my scope's better than yours" & everyone is always willing to offer help or constructive opinions, no matter how basic your question is. The expertise & wealth of knowledge here is incredible & it's always my first port of call for help, advice or even just a damn good read about the hobby in general.

Thanks for all your hard work in both creating & running such an excellent forum.

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This is one of the few on-line forums that:

  • have plenty of relevant advice on many subjects
  • welcomes new users with open arms
  • appears to be polite and respectful
  • is used a lot!

Looking forward to contributing more as I learn more about the subject.


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+1 on Andy's response.

The forum has already exceeded my expectations. Very nice and helpful (and active, and smart) people.

And I also like the forum's notification system and the look of it all.

I still haven't figured out how can I edit a post I made (if I posted early by mistake, or noticed that choosing a while text color doesn't work well on the mobile site  :smiley:). 

I'm guessing that I need to reach some sort of rank for that, but I didn't see any mention of that in the forum's rules or the ranks sticky.

Hopefully I'll be experienced enough soon so I'll also have answers for people instead of only questions  :laugh:

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