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I Have decided to  become involved in Astronomy again after a lapse of 40 years. We are planning to purchase a reflector telescope in the 150mm aperture range. In addition, we plan to attach our DSLR camera system to this telescope. We have not decided what manufacture we will be going with just yet, we usually do plenty of research and read customer reviews. We look forward to meeting some of you and learning. 



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Welcome to SGL Don. There's a few of us mad imagers on here, so if there's any questions, ask away. I see that you are in the US - If you can get hold of the book 'Making Every Photon Count' by Steve Richards (perhaps via his website - He's Steppenwolf on here) that will be really helpful to you. It's something of an imagers bible.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Welcome to SGL Don.

I took a 5 year or so break a few years ago and was astounded how much things had moved on when I returned. You will be amazed how much things have changed and also how much cheaper(in relative terms) things are now.



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Nice warm greetings... that is always a good sign. It was very nice of you folks to greet me and make your remarks. You know, I have always had fun with people who love to hang out in the dark. We are going to have some fun here, that is if you can handle my humor, we enjoy everything technical and work in that arena...but, we also enjoy having fun and plenty of laughter.



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Welcome to SGL Don. Plenty of good advice on kit here. A 150mm reflector is a great way to get back in to the hobby by the way... I'm guessing you'll be going down the EQ mount rout if you fancy dabbling in astrophotography.

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Hi, Don, and welcome to SGL! 150mm is a good workhorse for a scope - portable for dark sites, and, as you suggest, great for astrophotography. Although my tastes in scopes have altered over the years they have usually involved a 150 somewhere  - and that isn't just for sentimental reasons! I too, would recommend  'Making Every Photon Count' by Steve Richards, as it will help in not only setting up an astrophoto system, but will show how to get good results with that set up.


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