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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Looking great Matt.

Excellent evening with Gain and Vicky. Had a laugh and talked some astro stuff as well. Cheers guys! :)

Yes, great evening thank you, although my SGL notifications were off the chart this morning! ;)

Gain's log book is truly a work of art - beautiful item - it was a pleasure and a privilege to have a brief look at it.

Got woken at 5am by my thoughtful hubby to show me Orion looking magnificent. Dashed down to get the iPad for a photo, but the clouds had totally moved across in the 2 minutes it took me to get back upstairs again.

However, I did manage a quick view and snap at Venus about 10 minutes ago in-between making the sandwiches :)


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Wow, you lot have been busy. So have I, tonight I made a start on the power & usb box for the pier and unpacked some new goodies on to the desk:

Looking great Matt. Excellent stuff. I'll have to pop over and have a proper look at your set-up one day soon, and get some pointers. Would also like to have a go with the BST EPs in the new frac to see what they're like too :)

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Wow, you lot have been busy. So have I, tonight I made a start on the power & usb box for the pier and unpacked some new goodies on to the desk:

Great stuff Matt. I have the same gear to make up a box although I've not quite got round to finishing it yet.

I cut the plastic off the original box that the pcb's mount to so I could glue those into the bottom. If I ever need to swap one out then it's just two screws to replace it.

Looking good and great update.

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Yes, great evening thank you, although my SGL notifications were off the chart this morning! ;)

Gain's log book is truly a work of art - beautiful item - it was a pleasure and a privilege to have a brief look at it.

Got woken at 5am by my thoughtful hubby to show me Orion looking magnificent. Dashed down to get the iPad for a photo, but the clouds had totally moved across in the 2 minutes it took me to get back upstairs again.

However, I did manage a quick view and snap at Venus about 10 minutes ago in-between making the sandwiches :)


Thanks Ursula! It's always good to share!

Now that my Astro life is back on track..I am truly looking forward to starting a new observation journal.

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Vicky I was up at 4 just on the off chance and orion was looking great in the morning twilight.

Also Canis minor and major looked great too as did Venus and Mars

I will be heading back to Kelling in the middle of November for a mini Starparty (60 pitches) and hoping to get the nearly completed dob on the delights of Orion and the other constellations you have seen peeping over the horizon in the early hours...

Very excited and it can't come soon enough :-)

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Thanks Ursula! It's always good to share!

Now that my Astro life is back on track..I am truly looking forward to starting a new observation journal.

It is a beautiful journal - look forward to having a look at your next one.

Writing an observational journal, ready to learn, Padawan Ursula is :)

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hi all, do we have any plans for a meet up on sunday night to view the lunar eclipse?

Hi Nick, hopefully arranging a joint meet up with WADAS, Gain and some of the Huddersfield group. It is all depending on who confirms they are coming so we can make a decision on location to suit most people.

Are you hoping to join us? Myself and Soupy are up for it but haven't had anyone else from our group confirm as yet.

Don't think there will be a lot of us due to that pesky thing called "work" that many have to go to on Monday morning! ;)

Suppose it depends who is coming, and how many of us there are. If there are only a couple going from each club, it makes more sense to meet together to make more of a night of it.

Gain is going to keep us posted on where he is planning to meet his "gang" - looking like it'll be over Huddersfield way.

If it is over Huddersfield way, I had thought of driving over to Soupy's for around midnight, then following him over to Gain's to see where we are heading. I need to be back home by around 5am latest, so I'm back before my husband goes to work. It's a bit of a silly time to leave the kids at home on their own.

Let me know what you were thinking of doing. If you are just viewing, or taking a DSLR I can always pick you up. It depends how long you were thinking of coming out for.

While were on the subject - is anyone else hoping to make one in for a meet-up? When we know who might be coming we can make better plans on where we are going to meet to be most central for everyone.

We need a good western horizon - we would have to check out what it's like up Overton/Middlestown if we decide to stop somewhere this way. We haven't used Overton CC for a long time, so we would probably need to double-check with Ryan on that one before going up there - just to make sure we are still ok for it.

Anyway, I'm happy to go with the flow. We just need to get it sorted :)

We can always let any of the WADAS gang who are not on SGL, such as Peter/Woozy/Jim etc know what the plan is, just in case they would like to join us.

Hopefully the clouds will stay away for that night - we deserve a break!

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