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Good plan Gain. I'll give you a yell if I'm struggling. Am I attaching the DSLR straight into the back of the 110?

Soupy - get that solar scope out this afternoon if you can - the sun has some major activity going on. I've just been looking at some photos taken today. I'm going to see what I can see through the solar film, but it's the prominences that look amazing, and I won't be able to see those. Let us know! :)


Yes, the camera behind the telescope. No need for the reducer/flattener as it is a small target and will sit neatly in the centre of the sensor. If you find there is not enough back focus then try it again with the 2inch diagonal in place. Is your camera adaptor a Canon EOS to 2inch push fit nose?

The moon is not required For test purposes, use a bright star for now and check your screws are tight!

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Yes, the camera behind the telescope. No need for the reducer/flattener as it is a small target and will sit neatly in the centre of the sensor. If you find there is not enough back focus then try it again with the 2inch diagonal in place. Is your camera adaptor a Canon EOS to 2inch push fit nose?

The moon is not required For test purposes, use a bright star for now and check your screws are tight!

Actually, thinking about it, it is a 1 1/4" push fit nose adaptor. I have to use the diagonal for it to achieve focus in the little 80mm frac. I have not used the DSLR on the 8SE yet. If we get a clear evening, I'll get the WO 110 out and give it a whirl trying to get the DSLR to focus on a star. Just might have to see if it achieves focus with the diagonal if I don't have a suitable adaptor. I have some other adaptors in my kit-box which I have not used, and I'm not sure what they are. I'll dig them out and see if I can find out what they attach to lol. Wonder if it might be easier to use the 8SE on it's original mount - thinking about weight and getting set up. I don't have to worry about long exposure. Thoughts please - need pros and cons for which scope to use. At this point we are presuming a clear sky......

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Actually, thinking about it, it is a 1 1/4" push fit nose adaptor. I have to use the diagonal for it to achieve focus in the little 80mm frac. I have not used the DSLR on the 8SE yet. If we get a clear evening, I'll get the WO 110 out and give it a whirl trying to get the DSLR to focus on a star. Just might have to see if it achieves focus with the diagonal if I don't have a suitable adaptor. I have some other adaptors in my kit-box which I have not used, and I'm not sure what they are. I'll dig them out and see if I can find out what they attach to lol. Wonder if it might be easier to use the 8SE on it's original mount - thinking about weight and getting set up. I don't have to worry about long exposure. Thoughts please - need pros and cons for which scope to use. At this point we are presuming a clear sky......[/quote

Use the 110 of course.

The 1.25 in is fine

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Didn't get the solar scope out Ursula its been a busy day...

Gain next time you come round bring the hammer the Meade needs sorting again ;)

Anyone seen Sam B on telly? News report on BBC one regarding clubbers in hudds being breathalysed. Check it out now! :)

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Use the 110 of course.

The 1.25 in is fine

ok boss, I'll have a go at getting it set-up with the DSLR and seeing how it focuses when the skies allow.

Looking at the forecast, it might not be too bad after 9pm tonight to have a go. It says 35% cloud, but it could still be good enough to see a few stars.

I just want to get the 110 out for a play - it's that mount that makes me nervous if I'm being honest, but practice will build my confidence.

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Didn't get the solar scope out Ursula its been a busy day...

Gain next time you come round bring the hammer the Meade needs sorting again ;)

Anyone seen Sam B on telly? News report on BBC one regarding clubbers in hudds being breathalysed. Check it out now! :)

Missed Sam B - which Sam B was it? Boyer or Baker? I presume Baker with it being an item on clubbing. Too many Sam B's LOL ;)

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Strewth Vicky! You've got a right lot of gear now! I can see it all in your sig. Is that why it's so cloudy?

Sorry Sam, but I'm not the only one who's been acquiring new gear lol ;)

I must admit I do seem to have got a lot of gear in a short space of time, but I want to get into AP as well as visual astronomy.

I'm hoping that I've bought once, and bought well for what I need so I won't need to change my scopes or mounts etc at any point.

Need to familiarise myself with it all and build by confidence.

I still need a guide scope and camera for my WO, but I'll get one of those when I see one (and when I've replenished some funds).

Then I think the shopping list for next year will be a couple of decent EPs, but I won't need to go mad with these as my scopes are F10, F9 and F7, so none of them are fast scopes.

It's all exciting stuff for me, and I am very fortunate to have the gear I have got - and my husband is very understanding.

It's going to be an interesting and challenging time for me and I'll be calling on you AP guys for advice, so be warned lol.

Yes Soupy - it will keep me too busy to post on SGL - they'll think the server has gone down! ;)

Indeed, it is the start of Astronomical Autumn - let's hope it's a great season! :)

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I have got a nice selection of gear, and I have been fortunate to pick up some lovely things this last 6 months or so - yes, believe it or not I only got my first scope in February!

I fell on lucky with the 8SE, eyepiece and filter set, 2 x CCD cameras, filters and filter wheel along with other accessories at a ridiculously low price, as it was a friend I bought them from who just wanted them to be used.

I then had my old faithful 80mm frac given to me as it was no longer wanted - still love that little frac lol

The only gear I have bought brand new is my DSLR, binos and sturdy tripod.

As some of you may know, my nan passed away at Easter and I am due a little bit of inheritance from her when it has all gone through probate. My nan was a real character and said she wanted me to enjoy her money and not put it in the "sinking fund", or save it for "never", so I promised myself I would use a portion of it on my astronomy as it is something I love, and I would not have been able to afford the gear without it.

Then Gain mentioned he was going to be selling his WO 110 and NEQ6, and it just seemed to be the right gear for me to grow into with imaging, as well as it being a lovely scope for visual use. Plus, I can use my 8SE on the NEQ6 with more success.

One thing I've learned in life is that you can't take tomorrow for granted, and life is not a dress rehearsal - so enjoy yourselves kids! :)

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A SUPERMOON total eclipse will occur during the darkness hours of next Monday morning!

After this event, there won't be another total lunar eclipse to be seen anywhere in the world till 2018. More astonishingly, the last total lunar eclipse to coincide with a SUPERMOON was 32 years ago and the next one is 18 years away!

Due to the fact that the Moon's orbit is not a perfect circle, the moon can appear slightly larger or smaller as seen from Earth depending on where it happens to be in it's orbit. This Supermoon will find our celestial neighbour almost at it's closest point to Earth and will appear about 14% larger than normal.

Will this be an end of the world event? Probably not!

Don't miss this once in a lifetime event!

(Image by Gain Lee)

<<<Thought I'd post this in case anyone is interestedpost-2759-0-74621800-1442999979.jpeg

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Interesting G. Wonder where all that came from he he.

It's still Blasphemy to view the moon!

From moi Damian...had to send a press release to the local newspaper..

Mostly made up. Mind you , it will be cloudy and no one will know any better

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