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Hello from Eskilstuna in Sweden!


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I just wanted to say hello and say a few words about myself. I am 37 years old and I work as a "System engineer" (I guess thats the right term :-) ) for a large company here in Sweden. I have had a long interest in astronomy, it goes way back to childhood when I received my first telescope. It was similar to the Jason comet chaser 76 mm. Actually I think it was the very same telescope. It was no brand on mine though. I had a long pause regarding telescope purchasing between my childhood and my more grown up years. When I had worked for a couple of years after school it finally struck me that I could afford a new telescope. That telescope was a Celestron Nextar 6SE. A very good scope. Did some observing and planetary photography with that one and a Philips Toucam. That was when I realized that astrophotography was what I wanted to do. After investments in NEQ-6 mount, a larger SCT and a 80 mm refractor and my first pictures with my Canon 550D (unmodified) I was hooked. Like so many others have realized in this hobby, there is no end to what to buy. It is very expensive, and addictive. It is also very difficult to explain to my wife why I just have to have another scope or camera or mount or... She asked me why I didn't by a scope that can do everything?!?!??! Dont know what she meant by that so I continue to read astronomy magazines and adding to my requirements  and dreams of the perfect kit :-)  I have also come to a fun conclusion. I bought a Brightstar Mammut (mono) for autoguiding, but later when I bought a QHY5L-II for planetary and solar photography I tested to use the Mammut as the main imaging camera and the QHY as a guide camera. That was a fun start in LRGB imaging. A small chip, yes, but a good way to learn the craft I think :-)

The attached picture was taken with my C9.25 with focal reducer and the Brightstar Mammut.


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Hi Keno and welcome to SGL, very nice image. Wives are so understanding, I remember some time ago, quoted on the forum, " Why don`t you take your telescope down to the bottom of the garden dear, you will get a bit closer " :)

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