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Hello! I've just signed up at SGL this is my 1st post! I live in Bolton and have been into astronomy since last august, love it!! I have been using a celestron powerseeker 130 on a equatorial mount. The most recent object I found was the ring nebula m57, but it just looked like a smoke ring in my scope. But amazed that I actually found it! Couldn't see the nova 2013 in delphinus due to a week of cloudy skies. Managed to save up for a HEQ5 and will be getting it as soon as i can get a saturday off work!! I want to start imaging in the not too distant future, so this should be a decent start hey?? :laugh:

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Hi richardalan and welcome to SGL! An HEQ5 should be a fine place to start imaging. Good luck, and be prepared for a satisfying if somewhat uphill struggle! Everyone here is always glad to help if you have any questions :)

Typed inexpertly from my phone

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