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New Stargazer in Manchester


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Hi everyone,

Quick bit about me, my names Ste and due to a bereavement in the family and I found I had more time on my hands and decided to start a new hobby. I do something I've always been interested in but never had the money or opportunity to try - astronomy - and so I purchased a Nexstar 8SE after reading a lot of good things about it.

It arrived last week and I assembled it with my brother with excitement but so far due to cloudy weather I've only had a few tantalizing glimpses of crators on the moon or some stars wizzing past the eyepiece. Although the first attempt at auto-aligning didn't go as planned I'm hoping I can get a half decent night in the next few days.

One thing I've noticed is I'm now quite looking forward to the long dark winter nights.

cheers, Ste

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Thanks for the hello's everyone. Well, got a pretty good look at the moon with a moon filter on and then finally got the telescope aligned when the clouds came over coving the few stars I had. I've a feeling I'm being mocked ;) but I'm enjoying it so far!

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Hi Ste,

You're setting out in style! From what I've read about them, you have a nice scope there. It took me a long time to get a 6" scope.

Good luck with the clear skies, too. I'm still waiting for them :D

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Hi Ste and welcome to SGL. Sorry to hear about your bereavement, I have lost my beautiful sister recently.

I find astronomy helps as she used to enjoy sharing it with me.

You will enjoy it as its a brilliant hobby and changes from season to season.



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Welcome. As you will find, nothing brings the clouds in faster than buying a scope, or eyepiece, or filter..... A friend of mine has the 8SE, it is a good scope. I recommend two-star align but YMMV.

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