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Newbie from Philly sez 'Hello'


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Hello. My name is Don. I am retired USNavy (2 combat tours up and down the dark & scary mirk & mire of the rivers in Vietnam ... & Cambodia, etc ;) ). I have studied astronomy and cosmology, some through formal classes in high school and college, and some in the USN even, but most through my own self-directed studies and observations since an 8 year old in the late 1950s.

Only after my retirement from civilian employ did i move from descriptive and theoretical studies to observational astronomy - again.

My primary observational interests are solar and lunar.

I have other interests other than the skies above us but I'll perhaps bring some of that up should an inviting thread prompt my measely (sp?) input.

I look forward to learning and friendship in this community as we try not to walk into one another with our eyes to the skies.



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Welcome Don. It sounds like you have built up a fair depth of knowledge over the years which could be useful here.

Have you any equipment at the moment? There's a wealth of experience and advice here, just ask.

Best wishes


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I would normally say something along the lines of 'youll find all your answers here' but I think it may be a case of you providing answers, which is great.

Welcome to SGL and clear skies.


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