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Hello from Staffordshire


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Hi everyone. I would just like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; I’m Rachelle and I live in Stoke-on-Trent but am originally from south east Kent, UK.

I’ve had an interest in Planetary Science for a few years now but it’s only been recently where I’ve started getting into stargazing/astronomy a little more. I started off with a pair of Celestron 10 x 50 Binoculars but have just invested in my first Telescope – a Sky-Watcher Explorer 130 EQ2 a few days ago.

I’m a keen photographer and once I get the hang of things a little more and have a better understanding with how things work in stargazing, eventually, I would like to attempt Astrophotography.

I don’t know much about this interest yet (just the basics) but I’m a really keen and eager learner so apologies in advance for any annoying or dumb questions that I may have.

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Hi Rachelle and welcome to the forum. To help you on a bit, you might like to consider downloading some free planetarium software called "Stellarium" which is very popular among members here. It has lots of great features to help you learn the sky and it can be calibrated to show an identical sky to that which you can see from your viewing site. It has a useful advance date/time feature that helps you project the night sky forward so that you can anticipate what is coming up and when - great for planning your sessions which is always a good idea. There is lots of other stuff that will certainly keep you busy when the clouds come in (...and stay in!)

On the subject of finding objects, you may also want to consider a book entitled, "Turn Left at Orion" which lists some 100 easy to find objects (divided up into four seasons) and is designed for binocular users and those who own scopes with modest apertures. There is lots of information and even better some great maps and written instructions on how to find the objects and are pretty fool proof. You might like to look here to see what the layout looks like inside including some examples of objects to find. Hope that helps.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Hi Rachelle, and welcome aboard.

I have the same scope and I'm still surprised by just how much you can see with a moderate aperture.

Fire away with the questions, I'm sure with your planetary science back ground there will be lots of questions for you.

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