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Hello from southern Louisiana


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My name is John D. Kittles. I'm an avid photographer and I'm wanting to seriously get into astrophotography. I love getting star trails and now I'm wanting to get into the deep space aspect of astrophotography. I'm hoping to get some really good advice from this group. Thanks for the acceptance in the group.


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Hi John and welcome to the forum. Steve Richards' book, "Making Every Photon Count" will certainly provide you with a very good grounding in imaging and will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what kit to get and why you need it to take good consistent images. Imaging the solar system can be be done via a simple webcam, whereas imaging deep sky objects (DSO's) is a little more tricky and starts with the mount. Doing the research first is important if you want to avoid buying the wrong kit and we don't want to see your first image of a black hole being the one in your wallet! :grin: :grin:

Clear skies and enjoy the forum.


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Hi John,

Welcome to SGL.

Your following the same path as me ! I have always had an interet in astronomy but am a much more practised photographer, and got my first scope a couple years back and now I'm obsessed with joining the two.

Have only used DSLR for imaging so far, but if theres anything i can help with just ask as I was lost at first !


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