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Getting started in Surrey


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Hello everyone

Firstly, what a fantastic site!! So much information and advice, so thank you very much.

I had a brief interest in astronomy as a child (aged 9) but neither of my parents caught the bug with me so it waned pretty swiftly. However it has recently been re-awakened by my youngest daughter showing an interest and asking about the moon and planets. Clearly that was music to my ears, so I have been looking at various telescopes which we can use together but have found myself lurching from one style (and price!) to another as I have read more and more.

That was until I read a brilliant article here about getting started, so I have now ordered a basic set of binoculars (Praktica 10 x 50) and planisphere to get to know the sky.

Now all I need is a clear night; it's like living in a tupperware box at the moment!


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Hi Harry welcome to SGL, great idea starting off with bino`s, also take up steve`s offer and you and your daughter will be able to try looking through a few telescopes to get a better idea what might suit you.

good luck and enjoy as these are the special moments before the buggers grow up :grin:

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Hi Harry,

welcome from someone up the road from you...

Why not get the 'star walk' app for iPad, which superimposes the names of stars/constellations wherever you point it at the night sky?

Foolproof! I speak from experience!

clear skies,


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