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Hai Guys


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Hai Guys

I've been lurking for a little while and thought it was about time I posted something. I'm an astro noob, currently doing a BSc through the Open University focusing on Physics with some astronomy and astrophysics thrown in for good measure but I've been obsessed with the cosmos ever since my dad sat me down at the age of 9 in front of the TV which had this chap on who had this awful seventies style haircut. This chap on the TV taught me about atoms, evolution, quasars, pulsars, black holes, nebulae and that we were all made of "star stuff" forged in the furnaces of stars. He taught me how the ancient Egyptians measured the circumference of the earth with nothing but sticks and logic. In my teens I learn the chap (with the bad hair) was Carl Sagan.

Anyway, what I would really like to do is some deep space imaging. I've been browsing some of the stunning images in the gallery and I'm shocked at the amazing quality of the photos.. Obviously, it's not going to happen any time soon for me but It is a long term goal of mine to work towards. After browsing DSLRs and telephotos lenses for hours, I reigned myself in a little and decided to get some bins and learn the sky first. I decided to pickup a pair of these bins with an amateur tripod.

Celestron 71017 25 x 100 Skymaster Porro Prism Binoculars

I know I know, cheap chinese stuff that seems prone to collimation problems from what I've read but it's a start. I do have a little budget to play around so I'm all ears to anything that might be useful. I'm thinking of picking up a mid-range DSLR (~£300) with a cheapish telephoto lense just to learn the ropes again of digital photography again before I decided to go in deep for an astrophotography setup.

Now, all I need is some clear sky. Unfortunately, BBC weather is predicting any anytime soon in Bromley. Booo.

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Hi Zeale,

Welcome to SGL - sure you'll find lots of useful help/advice to get you up and running within the forum.

Nothing wrong with the chinese stuff nowadays, keeps most of us happy when the clouds occassionally part ;)


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