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Hobby Versus Family - Tips and Tricks


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Hello SGL,

We need a long running thread here, just like the "What are you listening to right now" thread in the Lounge.

Basically DOs and DON'Ts when dealing with the partner or extended family when balancing astronomy-related "needs" with other commitments and harmony with the loved ones we live with.

So, to start off, reposting an excerpt from another current thread...

I just popped my TAL 2M up into the living room to take it out this evening (yeah! clear night!) and I got the frosty stare and "how long is that going to stay there" <gulp!>

Oh, and was it perhaps just a little naîve/idiotic to start balancing the scope instead of sorting out things for my daughter's birthday cake?

Feel free to offer your own anecdotes, titbits and related comments about dealing with the pressures of hobby versus family/work.

Oh, and the justification of the financial side and "investments" and approaches that may work in persuading other stakeholders in the domestic finances that this is definitely a worthwhile redirection of funds!

All the best


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I like the "total cost of ownership" con.

Me: "I will keep it for 3 years at least, so its not that expensive."

Her: "How much is it?"

Me: "After I sell A,B & C it costs less."

Her: "How much is it?"

Me: "£1 a day total cost of ownership" :)

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When it comes to a rare clear night in this this country if ya lass or fella is going to moan at you for taking your scope out I think ya probably in the wrong relationship... :lipsrsealed:

As for buying gear I'd just compare wardrobes if there was a problem, I think I could fit all my clothes in a fridge, shoes and all.

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When it comes to a rare clear night in this this country if ya lass or fella is going to moan at you for taking your scope out I think ya probably in the wrong relationship... :lipsrsealed:

This is so, so true. But to ease the way a little more, my advice would be to make sure you get involved in your partners hobbies (if they so wish!) and ensure you look after them on the cloudy nights :smiley: Works for me anyway!

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Yes, the other day my OH asked me if I should go out and buy a new dressing gown - my response was "why would I need one of those, and how much does it cost..." I resisted the temptation to add "I'd rather divert the money into my eyepiece fund"!

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When it comes to a rare clear night in this this country if ya lass or fella is going to moan at you for taking your scope out I think ya probably in the wrong relationship... :lipsrsealed:

To be fair, after months of staring at boxes and boxes of 78s and three modified Lenco turntables, I think she had a right to be somewhat concerned when the 2M appeared right by her piano so she couldn't even move the stool out!

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be very careful..not just time outside with your scope,when its cloudy where do you think you are....? on here! my ex says this was a factor (along with working all the time,xbox,snowboarding,paintballing.....er well perhaps we weren't meant to be :rolleyes:

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My Mrs does whinge a little if I go out sky watching at weekend, however only twice its happened in 6 months, surely thats not that much of a crime ?

On the other hand, things not to do. Do not make an upgrade without consulting first, even if you have your own budget. The appearance of a 12" dob did not go down very well at all when it suddenly appeared one day in the conservatory, after sometime it was agreed it would go. (wont bore you all with the conversation about this). Strangely enough, I have got a Nexstar 8SE in its place which to some extent is even bigger, but she is happier now. So maybe my dob buy as actually paid off in the long run, hehe.

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Sorry guys, I just had a great moment discussing getting a future mount.

I asked about getting an EQ-5 later (well, in many months probably), and not only was she interested, but she didn't mind at the price. "Maybe you could get it for your birthday" (16th May). Aww :wub: .

Now, that's enough of me rubbing it in...

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I bought my wife a 25mm eyepiece for her birthday last week, she gave it to me and said anything that keeps me from under her feet is a top present and worth every penny :grin:

She is lovely to me

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I bought my wife a 25mm eyepiece for her birthday last week, she gave it to me and said anything that keeps me from under her feet is a top present and worth every penny :grin:

She is lovely to me

I bought my wife a lawn mower once. That's been a source of amusement for many years! :laugh:

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I've learnt that when I want to do anything other than watch tv or talk about wallpaper I only have to get my Bass guitar out and play some well known rock tunes very badly and I'm encouraged to be somewhere/anywhere else!

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My family and astronomy are happily integrated.

My wife and son come out with me to observe through the scope quite often.

Sometimes when he's asleep, we'll sit in the garden with a bottle of wine and bino's and enjoy looking at the clouds stars rather than watch tv.

For my 40th she took me to an astronomy retreat in New Mexico :smiley:

We like to embrace each other's hobbies and interest.

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My wife dosn't mind the hobby it's the noise I make when I come back into the house at gone 3 in the morning, and she dosn't appreciate my cuddling her, apparently I'm a trifle cold when I get into bed.

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My other half goes mad when I start spending on equipment, she thinks I should get a normal hobby.

On the other hand she suggested we go to the Greenwich Observatory for my birthday, and buys me warm socks and jumpers to go out observing. I admit I will never understand women!


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My son had been down the pub with his mates a few weeks ago. When I eventually decided to come in from the back garden, on one of those rare cloudless nights, I discovered that he'd very thoughtfully locked me out when he came home. Fortunately he was still sober enough to hear me ringing his mobile!

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My other half goes mad when I start spending on equipment, she thinks I should get a normal hobby.

On the other hand she suggested we go to the Greenwich Observatory for my birthday, and buys me warm socks and jumpers to go out observing. I admit I will never understand women!


Does anyone?!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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I'm quite fortunate in my house. She doesn't ask how much i spend on stuff (although I know she's curious, she also doesn't really want to know).

She likes the warmth of the living room and the attraction of the tv soaps, so me going out into the cold outdoors suits her because she can watch what she wants without me interfering.

As for the boy, well, the Xbox and his online social hub tends to compel him to shut himself away in his room of an evening (especially in the cold months). I've tried to get them both interested, but to no avail. Sometimes, I am glad of this though ;)

So in my house, generally all is well. Unless of course it comes to me going out for two cloudless nights on the trot, when it becomes a very different matter.

Sigh :BangHead:

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May be it is because I am not married ( :wink:), but what sort of a marriage is it when one is not allowed to pursue ones interests? Yes there has to be a balance between ones hobbies and the relationship, but to love some one is to give them room to grow.

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