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Your Eyes.

alan potts

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This may have been done before but the weather is awful tonight.

Observing , Firstly which eye do you use and more importantly who keeps the eye that is not in use open and who closes it?

I am Left eyed and I close most of the time. When the wife has gone to bed and stops playing with the light switches I normally leave the eye open.


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Right eye and when there is ambient light around I close the left, but in very dark conditions I leave the other open (find it far more relaxing when observing to do so). I have also experimented with using an eye patch for my left eye (so I can leave it open when there is ambient light), but I have to be happy looking like a Pirate..... Which is OK, as I heard pirates were in this year. :grin:

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Right eye with my left closed at all times, or as long as I can. I can't seem to get away with both eyes open it feels to me as if I am missing detail when I have both eyes open. Maybe it would be differnt if it was really dark.


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I am lead to believe by my eye Doctor friend in general it is a Master eye thing. I am Master eye left and right hand, I will never be able to shoot straight, for me to do that I would need to do it left handed. I have tried right eye and half the time I just can't see what I am looking at.

I know she is a Doctor but can you trust them? I think it's a load of Old Mother Hubbard, in other words a good story.


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Right eye here but then my left eye isn't too good. I hold my left eye closed with my left hand unless I'm in a very dark spot as I find any other light means I can't leave the left one open.

Irritatingly my left eye whilst short sighted and fairly astigmatic is considerably more light sensitive than my right eye... sigh...


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Another left eye here. I wonder if it correlates to the whole right-handedness thing? Probably not! :cool:

I'm left handed but a left eye viewer so possibly no correlation there.

When I shoot I pull the trigger with my left hand and when I draw a bow I sight with my left eye and draw back with my left arm. I wasn't much good at either though :rolleyes2:

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I use my right eye for observing with my left eye closed. I do use an eyepatch over the left eye for long planetary sessions, like watching a Jupiter moon transit or something.

I would claim to be more right handed than left but there are some things that I can only do left handed, like using a tin opener, and drawing a bow. I use my left eye to sight for archery. I can (or could in my youth) shoot a target pistol equally well either right or left handed.

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I am right handed, left footed and right eyed. I keep my left eye closed generally but recently discovered that if I have been observing a while and then quickly switch to my (until now closed) left eye it seems a lot more dark adapted and can see a lot more contrast in the image so that said about re looking with the 'wrong' eye for tricky objects could possibly hold some water - seems to work for me.

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I'm quite skilled at making tea in the dark now , I still get caught out by the zillion watt bulb in the fridge though . . .

Could do with a bit of Rubylith there methinks. . .

Tend to stick with black coffee now for obvious reasons . . .

Swapping the eyepatch to save night vision was proved quite successfully on 'Mythbusters' a while back if I recall . . .

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Right-handed and right-eyed here. I tend to close my left eye when observing, but have started to experiment with just covering it with my left hand; as Steve Ward posted above helps avoid face aches :). I will sometimes use my left eye towards then end of a session, in much the same way that Shane described - seems to work a bit.

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I'm right eye dominant (in fact my right eye appears to be slightly larger than my left), right-handed and use my right eye for observing, but I don't actually know when I close my left for definite :)

When I'm doing archery I have both eyes open and never found it a problem to "ignore" my left eye. Shooting a rifle I can do with or without my left eye closed, but I think I prefer closed when there are things close to me that might be visible in my left eye. It's quite possible that I leave my left open for observing if it's sufficiently dark, but close it for solar observing when daylight means there are more potential distractions.


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