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Your Eyes.

alan potts

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i am left eye dominant, but for some unfathomable reason I just cant observe with my left eye on the scope! I cant get the distance right, position right etc and just cant see anything. I firmly believe its because i spent so long shooting and being right handed, that meant using my right eye down the sights for maximum effectiveness.

I also get face ache, as i HAVE to close my left eye when observing, or i cant see a blooming thing through the ep. So i am going to get an eyepatch to enable my face to relax at the ep. I also really like the idea of swapping the patch to my observing eye if i need to go indoors or do something away from the scope to preserve night vision.

One thing I still have problems with - and always have done when shooting - is forgetting to blink! After a 20 minute session, my vision is pants for a few minutes until my eye has finished watering etc.

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Well it was as I thought a mixed bag, some lefts and some rights with some opened and some closed. and one who can view with both. I try to view with both but never know where I need to put the right eye. The other night I noticed that after looking at Jupiter with the left, I changed over and the image was much whiter, the pupil of the right eye must have been much larger allowing more light to pass. Just goes to show you don't need night eyes for these bright objects.

Thanks to all who took par.


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I find using my left eye more comfortable, even though it's a little astigmatic whereas my right is not. Maybe it's a practice thing, just doesn't feel right with my right eye. I have to keep it shut to try and cut some of the local LP as the neighbours can't help but play with their searchlights when I'm out there, and their dog likes to "play" on the lawn (I've seriously never seen a dog "play" as much as that in my life!) :D

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When I was training in the lab, using the old monocular microscopes, we were told to leave the "other" eye open as it quite a strain screwing one eye up for any length of time. Took me a while to get used to it, then we changed to binocular microscopes :rolleyes: . Now, with the telescope, I find it quite natural to have both eyes open unless theres any stray light that I haven't managed to screen out. I'm right handed and tend to use my right eye.

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I'm left handed but a left eye viewer so possibly no correlation there.

When I shoot I pull the trigger with my left hand and when I draw a bow I sight with my left eye and draw back with my left arm. I wasn't much good at either though :rolleyes2:

I used to do a lot of rifle shooting (.22 pcp) on vermin control (had to be good on live quarry) i would have my left eye to the scope sight and left hand on the trigger, but i now favour my right eye to the scope eyepiece, and tend to close the left

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Left eye (though it is worse vision than the less dominant right). Right doesn't seem quite....er......right?! Seriously, I've tried the right a few times but mostly keep it closed. Now: if I have to venture indoors I keep the astromical left eye closed and the right comes into its own, though I've had to clamp both closed and fumble around to avoid a bright light before I get to the switch. So, all combinations to suit the occasion... :tongue:

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If you are good with a rifle maybe you could help Dunkster with his dog problem. It is one thing I hate about Bulgaria, there are dog everywhere, people here say they have rights, can you believe that. Just goes to show how stupid some people are, these dogs have killed people in some parts.


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Right eye with left eye closed, althought I do alternate sometimes for faint fuzzies to make sure one eye's not missing anything.

Also use eye patch sometimes (when the boy's not playing pirates) in the winter when there's no leaves and the street light gets through the trees if I'm at home.

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