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Hey I'm Justine.

I'm new to Astronomy and recently purchased my first telescope the 'Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian' which is due to come in a few days. I have already bought a 6.3mm and a 17mm eyepiece along with the Skywatcher planetary filter set. I was wondering if I could get some advice/tips when it comes to using this specific telescope and any accessories which would improve the viewing.

Thanks :)

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Welcome to SGL

I'd suggest a red light torch would be useful, as would a copy of "Turn Left at Orion". You might something like a drummer's stool makes it comfortable to sit and observe, but I'd wait until you have the scope to see how it works out height-wise.


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Hi Justin,

Welcome to the SGL. A great first scope, you will have lots of great nights observing with that scope. One good tip i think is dont always go for the highest magnification to view objects in the night sky. A lot of people think the higher the magnification, the better, this is not so. I wish you clear skies...


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Hi Justine, welcome. Just got the same scope my-self last Saturday. Still waiting on an opportunity to try it out. Grrrrh!

Like you already thinking on what else to go with-it so have my eye on a Telrad Finder. People suggest that it is best to purchase a Raiser base at the same time. Then looking on here as to what "spread" of eye pieces to acquire. Plenty of recommendations on here.


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Hi Justine and welcome to the forum. Suggestions regarding a Telrad, Stellarium, Turn Left @ Orion would also be my suggestions too along with a simple tip. Try to allow your scope's mirror time to cool down (45mins) before you start observing as the relative warmth of the mirror produces tiny thermals on its surface that can distort the image you see through the eyepiece. Of course this cool down time will very much depend on where you keep the scope when not in use (shed, garage, conservatory or inside the house) so the cooler its storage, the quicker that great big lump of glass will take to reach the same outside ambient temperature.

Congratulations on ordering a great scope and wish you clear skies for its arrival!

Enjoy the forum


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Hi Justine - good choice of scopes you'll have some fantastic views and nights to come with it. One trap to avoid which a lot of us with 200ps fell into when first starting - you will have 2 adaptars to put into the OTA when you attach your lens. One is a 2 Inch and the Other is a 1.25 Inch adaptor. It is possible to stack both together in the scope but try to avoid this as you won't be able to focus properly. This is a mistake a lot of made first time round and still seems to be highlighted on the forum regularly. Another tip is to align your spotting scope in the light - everythings a lot harder in the dark when you first start.

Fingers crossed for some clear skies and make sure we get a first light report when you eventually get outside.

Good luck and congratulations.

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