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Flaming Star Nebula in HA (widefield)


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Another shot from the Astrotrac setup with the 200mm L lens on my modded Canon 600D. This is a stack of 23 frames of 4 minute exposures through an

Astronomik 12nm HA clip filter with all stacking and post processing done in Photoshop, I forgot to do any darks at the time so had to shot them the following

night at the same temperature, on the whole I'm very pleased with it for an hour and a half's worth of data from a DSLR :smiley:



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That's outstanding. If anyone asks if you can take Ha with a DSLR they should be directed here.

Have you run the lens at f2.8 or do you like the spikes ?


Thanks Dave

I tend to like the spikes in mono HA images they add a little sparkle, for colour shots I use filter step down rings instead of the iris. This was shot at F4 @1600 iso.


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WOW :eek:

I purchased a 12nm Ha clip filter a couple of months ago to use with a set up similar to yours but the weather over here has been pants since. Now I am really excited at the prospect of what can be achieved looking at this image, all the gurus seemed to suggest it was a dead loss on a DSLR but you've raised my spirits and hope it wasn't money ill spent.

Thanks for the data on how you shot the subs, it's a great starting point for the rest of us.

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