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hi everyone, complete newbie here


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after showing an interest in the sky at night through the year with my naked eye and binoculars, i have been rewarded with xmas present of a sky-watcher bk1309 eq2 reflector telescope! i've assembled it , though i'm not convinced i've done it right and feeling a bit lost now despite having a few detailed instruction booklets.

this looks to be a great site to start me off , and i have joined here to scour the site for some help and instruction!

so i'll speak again after i've had a good read and feedback on a novices progress.



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Hi Les and welcome to the lounge. I believe your scope may be the same as or very similar to mine, so a good starting point ;)

If you have any questions ask away. Lots of smart people here who are willing to assist you :)

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Hi Les and welcome to the forum. Written instructions on some astro kit aren't always as good as they can be though in general they have improved over the years. One useful resource that you might benefit from is a series of YouTube clips by 'Astronomy Shed' which are pretty comprehensive and well presented and would provide you with at least a visual comparison that you are indeed putting everything in the right place. Its a bit like collimation (optically tuning your scope) which in the written form can appear quite formidable but when someone shows you, its a lot easier to get your head around.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum.


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