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I've bought my other half a Celeron Nextar 4SE for Christmas and a Set of Celeron eye pieces & filters to boot. As it happens, I'm as giddy as her and really looking forward to Friday (Full Moon) when we're going to give it a bash. Hopefully, this is the right place to get some direction and advice. looking forward to your company.

Peter & Debbie.

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Hi Peter and Debbie and welcome to the forum. Now as great as the full moon is, many observers prefer to visit the moon during its many phases as the edge of the shadow (the terminator) is really useful in revealing all the textures and surface details which catch the odd stray of light and which can provide a truly 3D effect which further helps those features to really stand out. The moon in its full phase is incredibly bright but its brightness unfortunately also helps to obscure some of the deep sky objects (DSO's) that are by definition very faint. Ideally the best time to observe DSO's is during a new moon phase where the sky is at is most darkest and where you will be able to discover many of them through your new scope.

Clear skies soon and enjoy the forum.


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Good morning everyone. My name is Ross aka uvah. I've been interested in science, astronomy in particular, since I was knee high to nothing. I have no telescope, way beyond my pocketbook right now, but I am a regular at space.com and at the NASA site. I sometimes visit youtube for the videos about the Universe and related topics. What really excites me is how quantun theory applies to space and its environs. Looking forward to some interesting discussions.

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Hi Peter and Debbie welcome to SGL, nice scope you have in the 4SE , if you want more information on the Moon, there is a Virtual Moon Atlas as a free download, the full program does take up a lot of space, however, I believe there is a shortened version available, have fun :icon_santa:


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