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Having to sell the Dob- Sad Times :(


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It's a shame you have to sell your scope....

Why not get some binoculars, so you've got something for when you have the urge to observe again?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This. You may find you get more use out of binoculars as there is no set up, cool down times, just straight out and looking up :)

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No need to be a stranger, as people have said, use binocs or your eyes to keep up to date with things. And how about going to astronomy clubs to use their scopes? Just because you have no scope is no reason to give up such an awehobby ianhobby ian

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Thanks guys. I do have binoculars so will keep my eye in.

Sorry to hear the bad news with the scope. But as you say the binoculars will be your friend for a while. It's amazing just what you can see with bins, all of the Messier objects are visible in 10 x 50's from the right place (i.e. fairly dark).

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Hey!! There is no need to go just 'cos you don't have a scope, stay around and join in the discussions :smiley: Good luck for the future - fingers crossed that your circumstances change soon. :smiley:

Like they say... talk is cheap :-)

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I don't think Richard meant anything by his comment he was being genuine but it's really difficult to convey that to some people & even then others just don't get it.

I have seen Hubbles ad on FleaBay (pretty sure it's his) & 6 bids puts his sale to £236.00 at the moment with almost 5 days to go, it's a b***** shame when things get to that point, i know i have been there & sold almost everything for my family & i vowed never to get in that position again but life just throws a spanner when you really rerally could do without it.

I am going to contact Hubble for some more info & see if i can help him in any way, i may have an idea to help out & maybe SGL's forum members to chip in as it were.

Please check back here.

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Thanks for the message Ewan and I really do appreciate the kind offer :)

My brief posts may have painted a picture far worse than it actually is though. It's not as though I am selling up to put food on the table; just to provide a bit of extra cash over Christmas.

I'm self employed and was owed some money from a firm that has now gone bust due to the recession.

So just to set your mind at ease- I have a good lifestyle, nice house, happy, healthy children and a happy(ish) wife!

I haven't taken offence to any posts, in fact it has shown what a bunch of kind hearted people the SGL'ers seem to be.

I fully expect to be operational here again in the new year and you can approach me with your idea, if you find a more worthy candidate and i will be the first to chip in (After Christmas of course ;) )

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Hubble thanks for the pm mate :-), i'm glad you are so honest as i would have been prepaired to help you out so you could keep the setup you have, i hate seeing people having to give up what they enjoy doing because of various reasons. I hope no one thinks i came across a bit of a 'flash g**' because i'm not, hope i didn't make anyone feel awekward either, like i said i have been there before & i know how it feels. I hope you decide to re kit yourself out one day & pop back on the scene. All the best & do have a good one :-)

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