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Cassiopia - Getting to grips with a DSLR


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I keep meaning to start doing more widefield work and am well towards the bottom of the learning curve, both with the actual mechanics of working with a DSLR and also sorting out the subs.

This was captured last night using an Astrotrak. I've decided that for working in the garden I'm much better off using my CGEM with a scope along side. Framing this at the zenith was hard work.

Camera: modded Canon 550 with Sigma 50mm F1.4 lens stopped down to F4

Filters: astronomic CLS and 12nm Ha

Exposures 20x3mins CLS and 6x10mins Ha

No calibration but I do have some darks and a shed load of bias frames so I'm going to experiment.

I used the Ha layer for the Heart, Soul and Pacman nebulae. The double cluster also creeps in although not very distinct.

Very happy for any insights and advice on this sort of imaging because I'm a raw recruit!


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I agree, that's lovely... so nice to see these objects in context.

I think that's part of the appeal for me. Having a context in which to place many of these objects in terms of their position in the sky, their relationship to stars and their size actually means I appreciate the "close up" images even more.


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Thanks guys.

Damian I'll upload a higheer res version this week end and post a link

Very nice! is that one shot or many stiched together?

I combined 20x3min shots through a CLS light pollution filter into one image and then the 6x10 mins through an Ha filter into another. I did some processing to both images then added the Ha to the CLS using lighten mode in layers in photoshop.

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That's a smashing image...and you almost got M52 and the bubble in there too :smiley:

Yes, I missed those. Cassiopia was up at the zenith and I was contorting myself trying to see the framing images on the camera screen. In future, when I'm in the garden, I will use my CGEM mount and have the camera side by side with a scope. Should make things a bit more straight forward, and I'll be able to guide if I want to.

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Hi Martin, i've just started playing about with DSLR widefield stuff, and this certainly is where I want to be aiming for. I'll be grinning for days when I can get to that sort of standard. Also a hat-tip if you can get the hi-res picture up.



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Hi Pete, I use Maxim. 1st time I've used it for DSLR shots so took me a little while to get it sorted. If your dark exposures match your lights then you shouldn't use bias. If they don't they you have to subtract the bias from the darks before scaling and then apply the scaled darks and the bias to the lights. And you have to subtract the bias from the flats unless you've used flat darks. Well that's my take on it anyway!

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Thanks guys.

Damian I'll upload a higheer res version this week end and post a link

I combined 20x3min shots through a CLS light pollution filter into one image and then the 6x10 mins through an Ha filter into another. I did some processing to both images then added the Ha to the CLS using lighten mode in layers in photoshop.

Thank you, I should have been more specific, I mean the FOV. Is that whole display/picture in your FOV or did you need to stitch two FOVs together?

Best wishes,

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