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Yes M31 again

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I managed to get my new second hand tak epsilon 180 going the other night , only to find some nasty old astigmatism -- had I brought a duffer BangHead.gif

First port of call was mirror in main cell and I thought the clamping screws were a bit tight so I backed them of slightly and had another go , and was really pleased to see

no astigmatism occasion14.gificon_biggrin.gif

So M31 was up and took 20 4 min subs with mty sx m25 OSC camera , must get a LPS filter sorted as it was a right old mess to sort out

Not in the olly realms but quite happy for the short time laughing7.gif

Onwards and upwards hopefully

Kind regards Harry

High res version is here http://www.harrysast...l/M31 2012.html


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Fantastic deep image for such a short overall exposure time - they are superb, fast scopes. I still have some way to go to get my F2.9 producing stars like that!


I have a keller corrector and its not easy to get it to cover a aps chip , the tak gives a bigger flat field :evil:


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Great image for 80mins Harry. Just wondering about the star in the top right corner. There is an ellipse type shape around it. Is that a processing thing or a bright star effect with the F/2.9?

Good job on the astigmatism fix.


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Wow! 80 Minutes? I was out there for 10 hours getting the wide field for Olly and my M31! I have seriously got to take a look at the Tak Epsilon.

I must admit - I thought you had to go LRGB to get an image like that! Given I live in the UK maybe I should think about OSC. Kind of hard to get enough data in all channels in LRGB.

But I guess the fast speed of the Tak helps too.

Whatever - very nice!



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Wow! 80 Minutes? I was out there for 10 hours getting the wide field for Olly and my M31! I have seriously got to take a look at the Tak Epsilon.

I must admit - I thought you had to go LRGB to get an image like that! Given I live in the UK maybe I should think about OSC. Kind of hard to get enough data in all channels in LRGB.

But I guess the fast speed of the Tak helps too.

Whatever - very nice!




Yes I put a lot of this down to the old tak at f2.8 :kiss:

Exspensive , but worth it


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The weather in this country is quite a good argument for an OSC CCD but my first CCD will be mono as I like to do quite a lot of NB stuff. The DSLR will do for OSC for a long time yet. For that matter it will have to do for NB too for quite a while. It'll take me a long time to save up for a CCD camera.

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I have a keller corrector and its not easy to get it to cover a aps chip , the tak gives a bigger flat field :evil:


The corrected area of the 2" ASA Keller just misses the corners off an APS sized (23mm) CCD unfortunately, as can be seen in some of my uncropped images. The 3" Keller reducer corrector is an eye watering 1000 euros. Still if you want hang a full frame 35mm DSLR CCD off the scope then you'd probable have to go that route. This hobby is a money pit!

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