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Jup Morning of 30th


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Lovely detail Freddy, there was a slight red bias. Also even when registax rgb balance was performed it still seemed slightly colour heavy, a way to deal with this if the levels are a little low, like they are here, is to go on to image analyzer, go on to colour balance and curves, then adjust white points by making the whites brighter. ( i actually did it on luminence ycbcr ) but the effect is the same ) it doesnt just make the image more dynamic, it also helps whiten heavy colours. I did rgb align on reg RED RIGHT BLUE LEFT 1 notch. And added a tiny amount of wavelet, just to sharpen a touch. the image is a bit more noisy, But more dynamic, and details pop out a bit more. I could have left the wavelet tweak, but thought it could just take it. you might prefer the same process without the slight sharpen. for that smooth look.

But the other stuff. i think is working. I also dropped blacks by 2 and gamma to 94 also on analyzer. Not sure if you will like the tweaks, but i think it looks quite good. see what you think ? Nice capture you got some fine detail here.

Freddy levels rgb align.tif

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Thanks for the comments guys.

Neil, thanks for your hints and tips. I definately need to be a bit braver and make my images brighter. Your version is a great improvement on my original. I took your proposals but made the suggested adjustments in PS. I thought i may get better control in PS using the multi point curves option. By applying your ideas I came up with this


A definate improvement so thanks for helping me out.

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Thanks for the comments guys.

Tim, I don't think it's just your monitor!! As you can see from the 3 versions in this thread, I don't think I've quite got to grips with the colour balance yet.

I've got some more shots that I took this morning but I'm still looking through them at the mo.

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