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M 57


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Here is my attempt on M 57.

I gathered the data during several nights in summer. Finally I got 12 hours of more or less good data.

And it was the first time I tried the Astronomik 12nm Ha-clipfilter. But 8 hours of Ha-data don't bring very much improvement, maybe some details.

10" Skywatcher Newton, EQ6, Canon 500D mod, ASA 2" Quattro Coma-Corrector

Guiding with Mgen and ASA OAG


Full resolution cropped:


More details: http://www.distant-l...-2012_06_16.htm

Thanks for looking


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Very nice shot

Having been playing with some of my own data on this one recently, it looks like you've got some very good guiding going on there, the detail in the nebula is excellent.


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Now if I make a negative observation I'lm going to look stupid :)

Very good detail, my only concern is it's a little flat - but like I said I'm never happy with anything!

What processing did you do? Apps used? I think quite a few people would be interested. Did you dither/drizzle for example?

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That is an incredible image, very deep. I don't remember seeing that halo around M57 before and haven't seen that galaxy in images before either. It's not on my star charts either so no idea what it is!


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Thank you for your nice words.


The outer envelope on M57 is nicely captured, and the distant galaxies come out really well.

That's what I wanted. But the the halo is very faint and with a DSLR it's impossible to get more details out of the halo, I think.


My only question, why did you use only ISO 200 for the Ha data?

I have tried ISO 400 with 30min Subs for Ha, but the ring was burned out and have lost all details.


Do you have particularly dark skies?

I live in a little village, no large cities within a radius of 30 km.

Ganymede12, Stu:

I didn't even realise there was a galaxy near M57! What aperture scope is needed to see the galaxy?
I don't remember seeing that halo around M57 before and haven't seen that galaxy in images before either. It's not on my star charts either so no idea what it is!

This is IC 1296, a mag 15 galaxy. I think 10" will will not be enough, but I don't know exactly.


What processing did you do? Apps used? I think quite a few people would be interested. Did you dither/drizzle for example?

Guiding and dithering was made with the Lacerta Mgen.

Data reduction (stacking) with Theli

Stretching, curves, ... sharpening with Fitswork

DynamicBackgroundExtraction in PixInsight

Getting the details out of the ring with HDRMultiscaleTransform in PixInsight.

Other processing in Photoshop


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That is completely gob smacking! I didn't even realise there was a galaxy near M57! What aperture scope is needed to see the galaxy?

I believe it's out of the range of your 8" scope even under excellent conditions. Someone else may chime in with the magnitude.

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At mag. 14.3 and a surface brightness of 14, I doubt it's detectable in your scope even under excellent conditions. It's even out of range of my 10" newt since Ive' never seen it while viewing M57 under very good conditions.

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Thank you all for your kind words.


Just had a look at your site and the images are brilliant, i can see you're a fan of low ISO values i'm definately going to give it a try,

Yes, you should give it a try. Low ISO and long sub-exposures


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