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The cost of astronomy


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Or "The astronomic cost"

A few years ago I came into some cash, so I thought I would buy a telescope(like you do) So I duly invested in a shiny new computerised all singing all dancing bit of kit with umpteen thousand objects in its database......................hummm little did I know that 1/2 the objects are in the southern hemisphere, 1/2 of the rest can only be seen if you live at a dark site...and i meen very dark! So from my garden I could see perhaps 20 objects...mostly star clusters.

The said telescope came with a "free" imaging camera, so after a while I thought I would give that a bash...hummm after a few nights of lining up the object in the ep then slipping it out and replacing it with the camera, then refocusing it, then trying to find the object again because it had moved out of view I soon got tired of that lark.

Then someone said "for imaging you need a GEM mount"...hummmm WTF is one of them then? So after a bit of internet bashing orderd the HEQ5, a few days later it duly arrived along with its own umpteen thousand object database.....see above!

So......slap scope on new mount and try again.............see above...

Then someone said "you need a different scope for deep sky imaging"......internet bash again........ED100 arrives a few days later.....

Then someone said " you need a CCD imager and not a web cam for deep sky imaging"......hummm.......internet bash again

I cant even remember what came to the door a few days later...but it was a CCD imager............of sorts..

Then someone said " for proper imaging you need a faster scope and a mono CCD imager"....grrrrr

A few weeks pass......kit is sold, new kit orderd, along with filters, wheel, bits and bobs.

Then someone said " the mount is everything for imaging"......... *&^%%$$ hell!

........... the end result...skint

So will that "someone" please SHUT UP"

Just worked it out and the scope I have now was actualy the cheepest bit of all the kit I own.............................................................

All I wanted was a ruddy telescope

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I agree, but I think taking most hobbies seriously can get expensive (whether we count that expense in time of one's life taken up by the hobby or merely money spent).

I count myself fortunate that I'm not into sky or scuba diving, flying, skiing, racing cars, yachts, goldsmithing, horse jumping or making films. My older brother is into classic Italian cars (a la Maserati, Lancia) and that really, really is a very pricey interest to have.

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The moral of the story - or at least one of them - is more homework before you spend! Wives should insist on their husbands passing an exam on Making Every Photon Count before allowing anything out of the joint account... (With apologies to the husbands of Carole, Fay, Anna, Sara, Alex and the other SGL female imagers!)


By the way, I used to race Class 4 karts and next to that astronomy is so cheap that it hardly merits a mention...

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My problem is that I've never sold a scope, every one I get seems to become a permanent member of the family. Oh, wait, that's not quite true, I sold a helios 6" f8 refractor, couldn't get on with it.

Fortunately all my purchases these days are physically small so easier to smuggle into my ep case where they can claim to have been for years :-). It does get expensive, agreed.


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My problem is that I've never sold a scope, every one I get seems to become a permanent member of the family.

I think that that is going to happen to me!

I have a I have a Mercury707. It is my first scope and for that reason I won't sell it! Even though I'm upgrading to a Skyliner 200P this week! (Besides - I need it for solar viewing)

If, in the very very very very very far future, I get lots of money than I might get a scope for the sake of imaging. The 200P will be staying as I have waited so long to get it!

When I get my own house - It will be filled with telescopes! :D

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The moral of the story - or at least one of them - is more homework before you spend! Wives should insist on their husbands passing an exam on Making Every Photon Count before allowing anything out of the joint account... (With apologies to the husbands of Carole, Fay, Anna, Sara, Alex and the other SGL female imagers!)


By the way, I used to race Class 4 karts and next to that astronomy is so cheap that it hardly merits a mention...

Heresy! Heresy! Burn the heretic!

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Compared to what kids spend on computer games, it isn't that bad. Compared to what I've spent on computers over the years, it is reasonable. Compared to a car... well, enough said.

I used to go to a football team every time they played at home. Tickets, let's say £25, programme £3, snacks £5, petrol, £20. That's what, let's say £55, up to 3 times a month, maybe more if unlucky. 30 odd times a year, depending on how well they did in cups, etc. c. £1650. With all my bits and pieces over 5 years, I am nowhere near that in terms of money spent. I went from 1996 - 2003 to this football team....

You invest in what you love. I get no returns from football. The money is gone, the memories are fading. I get money back if I sell my kit, and the views are there for as long as I can use the equipment. It isn't a huge outlay, compared to other hobbies.

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I have a strict rule - no more than three scopes and ten eyepieces at one time. If I want something new I have to sell something old and always buy used. That way it's just money in the bank (I can always sell and pretty much get my money back) with the inteest being the enjoyment from the equipment in the time I have it. Nowadays my hobby costs me almost nothing in net terms.

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Why did you listen to people?

They will tell you after their experience and what they like what they would buy.

So you buy what they would buy.

How many times does someone ask Scope A, B, C ?

Then get told to buy a different one that they didn't really want and which will cost more and often not applicable.

Rarely does a person get told what they originally asked as in Scope A, B, or C? Answer given being X, Y or Z.

I have 5 scopes, happy with them all. Never asked anyone what I should buy. It is my decision.

The next scope I will build for what I want.

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I agree - I am selling a scope. I try to have 2 - one main viewing, one for portability. That is what I will have when my 8 inch has sold. Eyepieces - I have more than 10. 4 2", 6 plossls, 1 TMB designed, 2 kellners and 2 orthoscopic. That's 15. owever, the plossls cost very little in a set, and the rest were wise second hand purchases.

The only real way to go is second hand, except for very popular or obscure stuff!

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