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Favorite objects?

Matt Scunthorpe

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Well after being in 2 minds whether to go out or not after visiting my mum in hospital, i couldnt resist the clear night, and it turned out to be one of my best nights to date. Managed to bag M10, M12, M71 and M11. Not sure which way round M10 and 12 were, but im 90% sure i saw both as i struggled to find them as my guide stars were light polluted out.

M11 has now taken the title of my favorite object, the beauty looking right at it, and then even more so using averted vision was just breath taking. Tonight i could also see the milky way even when looking straight at it, normally i can just make it out using averted but tonight had to be one of the best nights ive seen, apart from the cloud dodging to begin with.

Going onto the topic, what are your favorite sights if you have to pick 1 only.

Also.. this is my 200th post :D

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The great Omega Centauri globular cluster (when I lived in the SW US recently). To see this awesome object with the unaided eye was nice although fairly faint but in bins and a 10" scope, well words can't describe the view as even on LP I could still scan across this object's mass of stars, since its size is that of the full moon. An object I will never forget (and always wanted to see it but couldn't living in the NE US).

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Congrats Matt on what sounds like a great night and finding M11 the infamous wild duck cluster, still beyond why its called that ???

My favorite changes each time I find something for the first time, so I will go with M57 for now, as that was my last found Messier.

Oh and finally congratulations on your 200 post, keep them coming.

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The name "Wild Duck Cluster" comes from the fact that it's brightest stars are in a wedge shape supposedly reassembling a flock of wild ducks in flight. duckie.gif

Yeah right! Not sure I wear it either.

Couldn't possibly pick just one object.

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Hi Matt,

My favorite is the Double Cluster in Perseus (well it is two for the price of one and that can't be bad). Through the bino-viewer you feel you are floating right out there and there is a tiny, delicate horse shoe shape of 6 stars which always fascinates me.

Clear skies,


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Some of my favourite's are:

The Beehive



The Ring Nebula

The Perseus double

The Leo Triplet

The Black Eye Gaxaly

Andromeda Galaxy

The Seven Sisters



The Coat Hanger

The Rosette nebula is one of my all time favourites. I can find the location with my scope but cant see it through the scope. I need to image it to see it.

My favourite meteor shower is the Geminids which happens in early Dec.

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