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Afternoon all :]


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Hi everyone,

Totally curious and new to the concept of viewing the sky and in all fairness till last night never really took it in and it has me interested now.

Interested in the subject and especially UK viewers in order to gain information and in particular track down ISS (which is my first target) from what I tried tracking last night it mainly comes from W to E between 60-80 degrees for what looks to be 10 mins? any help on viewing this would be good as I have set it as a personal challenge :)



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Hello Maz and welcome to S.G.L. I saw the I.S.S. a few nights back moving in an easterly direction over my garden until it disappeared after about 2 minutes. Im pretty sure it is the I.S.S. as I see it quite often in the early hours on clear nights, never managed to see with my scope yet, just naked eye, it looks like a magnitude 3 or 4 moving star to me.

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