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Perseid shower


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I was going to keep it to myself but feel better reading its not just me it happened to, i dozed off on the lounger too, lol.

Managed to see about 4 or 5 but they were nothing spectacular if im honest, could be the light pollution around here tho.

What i did notice last night that i've never noticed before is, as i was just casually looking around using the bins, was the number of satellites floating around. Im guessing thats what they were anyway, just tiny feint orbs of light drifting through the fov and couldnt see them with the naked eye. Must have spotted about 3 of them in total

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I saw a couple of satellites with the naked eye last night as well, pretty faint and moving slowly, but definitely there. Also managed to catch the ISS on Thursday night, really bright and a stunning sight.

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I went down to the most southern tip of the Purbecks last night to get an un-obscured view of the southern horizon with minimal to no light pollution on the only night for the next few days during the peak where there'll be no cloud.

We saw a good couple of dozen or so shooting stars. Was a great night with not a cloud in sight.

We also saw two satellites running side by side almost.

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In S Devon the weather has been on and off with 2 clear nights in a row end of last week to rain yesterday night but accidentally saw one while looking at the moon thursday night.

Will be looking for more next several nights, I did actually wonder about shooting stars, and if there's a difference - how do you tell?

Luck with meteor spotting,


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Had a decent night last night, even took the neice out spotting some. Weather started off decent in Middlesbrough but started to cloud over around 12.00PM. Seen about 3-4 in about an hour up until 12.00PM.

I also think we seen the ISS too. I would say it was headed W to E direction not totally sure though. Very bright probs same brightness as Venus.


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Didn't see diddly. Clouds rolled in about 10pm and that was that. Stayed up till about 1am hoping the sky would clear, then it started pouring it down. Yet another non-show event in this part of sunny Wales.

Then to cap it all off we had bad thunderstorms.

This summer has been so bad, even by Wales standards.

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Had quite a light show here, but not quite the one I wanted, we had thunderstorm and showers move across from France to Devon soon as it got dark :-(

We had a monster of a thunder storm here. I sat and watched it. Some of the lightning was very impressive.


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We went outside set up the scope & the DSLR praying for a break in the clouds. They started to dissappear at around 10:00PM-ish & we even saw the ISS come right over where we were standing at around 10:40. I think I saw 2 Meteors plus we were looking at some DSO's with the scope until the clouds rolled in once more & that was game over by 00:45 :sad:

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We had a lot of high cloud and humidity. DSO's were off the menu and solar obs were very blurry. However we kept at it and just before the end of Astro darkness the clouds cleared any and we counted four meteors in the right part of the sky from the shower.
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In about an hour and a half I saw 11, it was by far the best count I have had in years. I would of liked to stay out but the contrail haze was just getting so bad I called it quits.

Anyway here is one pic with no processing to show how bad it was but at least a few of them made it on camera.


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Stayed up pretty late after picking our son up from the airport I could see stars last night but lots of high thin cloud so only saw the brighter perseids. Still saw about a dozen in an hour and a half before the dawn started to make it impossible.

Fingers crossed for tonight but not looking good at the mo.



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