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Hello from central Texas


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Hi, my name is Paul and I am stationed at Ft. Hood, TX. I first got into astronomy in 1996. I was on leave visiting my grandparents and took my grandfathers 90mm refractor outside. I put it on the brightest star and noticed it was different than all the other stars. It was a big disc and had small dots on either side. I couldn't stop staring at it. The next day I went to the book store and bought Astronomy and Sky & Telescope magazines. I soon discovered that what I had seen was Jupiter. That was my "WOW" moment. I have been hooked ever since. The darkest skies I have yet to see was while in Afghanistan. That, coupled with night vision was simply amazing. Only if I had had time to journal about it.

I have an old Orion Skyview 4.5 but the mirror is messed up and haven't used it in years. Looking to upgrade soon though and possibly try a bit of astrophotography. I just use a cheap pair of 10X50 binoculars for now.

Anyway, that's a little bit about me. I look forward to browsing through all the forums here.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I would love to get hold of some generation 3 night vision goggles (illegal in uk) under a really dark sky, that would be an experience!

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum.


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