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Hello From Llangollen


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It seems appropriate that i should give a small introduction so without reciting my entire life story (and assuming it's still so cloudy that someone is actually going to read this !) here goes:

Life The Universe & Everything

I live in Llangollen North Wales and (just to annoy you) on the top of a mountain with no street lights, no neighbours (worth noting !) and no large towns/cities nearby. Oh and a wife who is just as interested in astronomy as me !

I spent 10 years as an electronics engineer in the Royal Air Force followed by 6 years as an IT field engineer, this was followed by a few years of mid-life crisis and lastly running my own business's of various descriptions.

I've always been a keen photographer and got serious several years ago when i bought a Zenith E with a 400mm telephoto lens and qty2 2x converters. At equiv of 1600mm the quality was rubbish but it sure was fun !

More recently i indulged in a Nikon D40 with a 70-300mm zoom which satisfies my need to click 'n delete better than the Zenith ! (I seem to have a natural ability to photograph people just as they blink !).

My first interest in astronomy was at age 16, whilst doing resits at college i had too much spare time and spent it in the college library reading all i could (you could say self-taught) on optics and astronomy - then life got in the way and it was all but forgotten.

As technology has moved on and prices have fallen (and with me getting no younger despite my best efforts) i decided i would like to take the hobby up once again. Having done a significant amount of research i decided a 6" newtonian reflector was my best bet.

Thanks to Geoff in Stourbridge (and Ebay), i managed to buy a second hand Skywatcher 150p with a Crayford focuser, 10mm & 25mm eyepieces and a Barlow x2 also he kindly threw in an xbox live webcam.

So here i am, all set up and..... wall to wall cloud :headbang: I did manage a very quick glimpse at Venus last night with the 25mm but by the time i'd swapped to the 10mm and called the wife the cloud was back :)

Tonight looks more promising, but for now i have modified the webcam and researched/downloaded the software, just need to make a vat of coffee and i'm good to go.

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Hi ty, you came to the right place for advice (though it sounds like you have a good idea what your doing anyway:)) Very very jealous of your dark skies, everything's orange down the road in chester!

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hi ty and welcome to sgl. i head up that way myself just behind the pondarosa cafe were do you view from

Thank you all for the warm welcome, i live on the top of the Berwyn mountains across the valley from the Pondarosa (about 3 miles ESE). Current viewing is through my bedroom window as i get above some trees to spot Venus, however for longer term use i have a patio :) (and yes... a BBQ !)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome, i live on the top of the Berwyn mountains across the valley from the Pondarosa (about 3 miles ESE). Current viewing is through my bedroom window as i get above some trees to spot Venus, however for longer term use i have a patio :) (and yes... a BBQ !)

sounds good mate wish i was there.;)

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