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no one else worried about this?


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you cant exactly walk up to the nhs and say....'er yeah...just incase of a major power outage...can i have a store of those highly powerful drugs........'

Gotta be worth a try though! :)

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I've always been of a mind that if theres nothing I can do about a situation then I am not going to stress over it. The one that hit Canada was a big mass ejection and knocked out their power supply easily, the national grid here has pre-planned for such an event and in what seems a counter-intuitive move they plan to open the entire network - the idea being there would be more line for the added charge to travel and disperse.

Nothing good happens when people panic so why do it?

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I would just get on with things.

Getting worried about things you have no control of is pointless.....I'm going to die one day...this is a certainty.....what should I do? Spend whatever time I have worrying about it, or just get on with things and hopefully have a nice life.

I've had this philosophy for a long time now, and for me, it works....in a nutshell....

Don't worry about things you have no control over, and if you have some control, again, don't worry...do something.


just a bit over the hill now, but I have the same outlook on things as you Rob, Oh! and by the way another nice photo published in S&N of M1, well done :)


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ok the first two replies sort of were exactly what i was talking about- all people seem to want to say is 'chill its gonna happen' or 'we can see the lights'...

I wouldn't be too surprised. You posted your concern on a discussion forum, those are the type of replies you're going to get, this isn't COBR(A) or FEMA. (I'm happy to say! :headbang:)

Maybe if you had a chat with your doctor re your medication, (s)he might be able to allay some of your concerns?

if i had a head bang emoticon it would go here?

Here's the very fellow..... :)

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ive also seen alot of 'we shouldnt rely on technology' - this is ridiculous!!! civilisations grow and develop through technology- and im not just talking about ipads here- health advances, communication, warning, safety...all core to our age of living

people panicked just when they though a fuel strike was about to happen a few weeks ago....no one seems to give a..about this

Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean that it's not being planned for. Google the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 which is the legislation behind emergency planning.

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just because theres nowt you can do doesnt mean you should just chill..... i mean if you were told that you were going to get shot sometime in the next few years but you couldnt escape it- what are you gonna do? chill?

The trouble is the worrying will do more harm than good Rich, more than you think.

We are all going at some time between now and then, it could all to easily be tomorrow for all kinds of reasons. And so their really is no point in worrying about it, but saying that is obviously not going to stop you worrying it seems.

Why not chill? .. why is worrying about it so important to you that you feel it's the only thing you can do Rich?

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The NHS will have it all covered - you should have seen the planning that went on for the 2000 milenium bug.

I have just retired from the NHS and can guarantee that they have done nothing but talk about it. They couldn't (in the main) orgainise the skin on a rice pudding!:headbang:

NHS 'action' means just talking about it ad nauseum and no actual planning for the eventuality. I was in the NHS for more years than I care to remember and I do not say these things lightly - getting a plan into any action is damn nigh impossible.

Like others I rely on drugs for my very existence but I can guarantee that if such a thing was to happen and I went to the GP before the extcrement hit the fan I would be told 'you can only have a months supply, that is all we are allowed to give at one time' :):rolleyes:

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Never any harm in being minimally prepared. It could be good idea for everyone, regardless of whatever, to have these few items knocking about their house.

Radio (battery or wind-up)

Torch (battery or wind-up)

Spare batteries

Bottled water and in case of deep empergency, water purifying tablets.

Personal medication in stock

First aid kit

Tinned/long-life food

Tin opener, good knife and camping stove

Candles and matches

Blankets/sleeping bags

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...wear sunscreen...

Quality track... :)

Dunno if anyone saw this a while ago, but the national grid already have an action plan in case of any unfriendly solar activity. Far from turning everything off, they will do the exact opposite and open up every line available (including ones no longer used) in order to dissipate any excess charge.

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If the government announces that a massive CME is coming and that it'll wipe out the earth, I'll start selling CME protective aluminium hats on ebay. I'll even make some to fit your pets heads as well.

Already bought ours :)


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clinical studies show that wearing a 'tinfoil' hat actually emphasises the frequencies mostly used by government agency's.. must be true, fat bloke down the pub told me.:)

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just a bit over the hill now, but I have the same outlook on things as you Rob, Oh! and by the way another nice photo published in S&N of M1, well done :)


I think it's a philosophy that comes with time John....my attitude to life changed significantly after a series of very near death experiences in my early 30s, a couple of which I have no idea how I survived......after them, my outlook changed completely, and I became a much happier person.

Glad you liked the pic BTW....must get a copy :headbang:

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Quality track... :headbang:

Dunno if anyone saw this a while ago, but the national grid already have an action plan in case of any unfriendly solar activity. Far from turning everything off, they will do the exact opposite and open up every line available (including ones no longer used) in order to dissipate any excess charge.

Beat me to it :)

I think I would light a fire, toast me a load of marshmallows and watch the aurora......knowing my luck it would probably be cloudy though :)

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Remember the Serenity prayer

Using the word God if you believe and removing it if you do not.

God, give us grace to accept with serenity

the things that cannot be changed,

Courage to change the things

which should be changed,

and the Wisdom to distinguish

the one from the other.

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Never any harm in being minimally prepared. It could be good idea for everyone, regardless of whatever, to have these few items knocking about their house.

Radio (battery or wind-up)

Torch (battery or wind-up)

Spare batteries

Bottled water and in case of deep empergency, water purifying tablets.

Personal medication in stock

First aid kit

Tinned/long-life food

Tin opener, good knife and camping stove

Candles and matches

Blankets/sleeping bags

Looks like my list for a camping trip :)

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Space weather made it onto the UK's Risk Register last month so it is being treated seriously now. Risk of occurrence and impact of occurrence were put in at the same level as "cold temps and heavy snow" and I think "heat waves".

So if taken into account, it is seen as a moderate impact on the UK. But the lasting effects if ignored could be chronic.

But all the big infrastructure that is at risk, is in most cases, monitored already and contingency plans are already in place.



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If there was a big supermassive CME that did knock out man's technological advances over the millenia perhaps for months, years - man (& woman) could be forced back to basics, nature, crime, violence, anarchy and a sudden reduction in the planet's headcount with demand falling on dwindling resources.

So perhaps there is a silver lining for humanity??? C'est la vie.

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Never any harm in being minimally prepared. It could be good idea for everyone, regardless of whatever, to have these few items knocking about their house.

Radio (battery or wind-up)

Torch (battery or wind-up)

Spare batteries

Bottled water and in case of deep empergency, water purifying tablets.

Personal medication in stock

First aid kit

Tinned/long-life food

Tin opener, good knife and camping stove

Candles and matches

Blankets/sleeping bags

Have most of that list as standard, we like camping on the spur of the moment

Also have a generator, were prone to power cuts here

Wood/coal burner also heats the water

Have a wood fired cooking range

Stream at the bottom of the garden

Plenty of livestock, and veggies

So bring it on, not bothered, if it happens, it happens, not going to worry about something beyond my control, that may or more likely, may not happen.

And as too the mob element, we country-folk do like our little sticks that make very loud banging noises, and well stocked in the nessary items to make said bangs.

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