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Do You Ever Get Scared @ A Dark Location?

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Hi, yep sometimes I do feel worried / vulnerable, my dark sight is way out in the bush miles from the nearest road - great sight no LP at all, 360deg view and flat - but snakes - brown snake, death adder, black snake and tiger snakes (all deadly) and some really nasty spiders are all out there too- no mobile phone coverage to speak of - but its all offset by some brilliant viewing - I never go alone :)

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nice! have tried a few since my intro with the 2 peeps but all i found was 2 small waterlogged containers with slugs and a bit of paper with some scribbles

You're doing it right then :)

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Lol, great, I'm a double weirdo then! My wife and daughter enjoy geocaching more than I do but I'm the only driver :)

We don't do much geocaching in the dark (and DEFINATELY NOT on a clear night!) but last Saturday evening we did a group of caches in a dark wood out of necessity. Tiny reflective markers were at eye level on tree trunks and you needed to do a 360 with a torch to find the next one and eventually get to the cache! That series was actually a little different to the norm and lots of fun. :)

Some friends introduced us to geocaching last year, the kids love it, particularly the caches where you can swop your collected tat for something from the cache box.

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Just the other week, when I visited Tenerife I drove up high into the Teide National Park with the intention of taking a few photographs.

I parked up in a large picnic area, which is normally very busy during the day. However, when I pulled up it was empty. Not a soul to be seen. Just me all alone in the dark.

As soon as I got out of the car I looked up to see the most gorgeous Milky Way I've ever seen. I was at an altitude of around 7000 ft.

I then started to get my camera, tripod etc out of the car to setup for some pics, I started to hear a dog barking in the distance. The dog did not sound friendly.

It could not have belonged to anybody because I was too far away from any town, and it could not have been anyone walking a dog either due to it being so remote.

I stopped for a minute or two whilst I tried to listen for the dog. I then heard it again and it sounded closer, and MORE unfriendly!

I threw everything back in the car, hurriedly, then got back in. My heart was beating fast, I don't mind admitting. I turned on the lights and looked around the area. I could see nothing. I waited for about 5 minutes then got out again.

Again, I started getting my camera & things out of the car. I started to take some pictures for a few minutes until I heard the dreaded bark, again. It sounded even closer than ever.

I thought "thats it". Threw everything back in the car and drove the hell out of there.

I was really disapointed, too, because I could have taken some great pictures had I not been scared off by the wild dog.

I drove to another nearby location which was 'safer' because it was near a main road, but not as good for photos.

Islas Canarias. Spanish for Islands of Dogs :)

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I do not scare easily (its called Weatherwax syndrome: the self confidence that comes from a firm belief that there are terrible things afoot and you are the worst of them :)). I once got a hell of a fright from a tawny owl that appeared right next to me, but once identified I found its presence quite interesting. In Australia there were some interesting sniffing and grunting noises due to various nocturnal creatures going about their business. I did watch where I put my feet there, as I did not want to startle any snake there. Otherwise I do not take any special precautions, and certainly no weapons (unless you count a Swiss army knife as a weapon).

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No. I love it in fact. No such thing as ghosts or the paranormal. If there were then why, with all the technology we have nowadays, has someone not conclusively proved their existence? Ditto Bigfoot, Big Cats, UFO kidnapping etc...


Because we're not advanced enough yet to understand these things let alone how to approach the study of them. Keep your mind open. There are lots of things we can't explain and humans are still in their infancy in terms of understanding the universe, or even the possible multiple universes. After all, quantum mechanics and the absence of a unified theory, seem to be showing up a lot of holes in our understanding!

I'm just scared of people and dogs! A woman was murdered in our village when out for a walk a few years ago. I don't go out for walks on my own now let alone observing away from home.

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No need to be scared Lukeskywatcher, in the dark you won't see the enormous, hairy legged, poison fanged spider creeping up on you :):D

I don't generally feel scared in the dark because, being a largish chap, I probably appear scary enough myself in the dark. However, on the few occasions I've been somewhere very remote, and very dark, animals suddenly rustling or snorting nearby can make me jump a bit. Even the hedgehog in our garden has startled me once or twice but he is after all a huge killer hedgehog with enormous teeth and great big claws and.......................

..... Well, ok he's just a hedgehog :)


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If you can see a spider it's not dark enough :) it's the rats and snakes that tend to crawl around your ankles you need to be careful of :)

There are no snakes in Ireland. St.Patrick made sure of that. Rats dont bother me as my Yorkie is a "ratter". She loves nothing more then to chase little (or big) furry things around the place. She learned the hard way that hedgehogs dont have fur.

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Me and my mate were walking back to our lodging once when we were 15 and it's one of those places where no lights what so ever and were walking down the road into the place which was about a mile long and we heard a noise and were #### scared as we couldn't see a thing.

I couldn't go to a pitch black site without a few people being there even though I'm now older and not as scared as I was back then but I do prefer company than being alone.

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“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR’s First Inaugural Address.

The human imagination is a very powerful thing. Gosts,goblins and demons simply do not exist (except for in our minds) All wild animals fear us more then we fear them.They will avoid us like the plague.The only animal humans need fear is other humans.............or a really angry fox.I still have a deathly phobia about spiders. I know they are all around me in my garden but "out of sight...out of mind".

I pity our friends in the USA or Oz......................cuz even the spiders there will try to kill them at any given chance............not to mention snakes.

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About early may last year i was at my local dark site which is a mates field (mate being a farmer i have done some tree work for) which is located down a long winding country road. The field has a hill in the middle of it and i was on the top of the hill / crest.

I could hear about at a guess 10 to 15 teenagers singing and messing about coming up the road. I think they were a bit merry so i layed down on the floor looking up as they cant see me at all but i could see them quite clearly. I felt a big rock right near my left hand. I passed the rock to my right hand and lobbed it down the field behind were they just came from level with the road.

My lucky strike it hit one of the massive steel watering troughs with a really loud "CLANG" all i heard was "what the **** was that" and then heard them all screaming and running up the road some of the them seemed really scared. I was peeing my self laughing:D.

No i dont get scared in dark sites as i have lived in a rural area all my life and know how to handle darkness in the dead of night and i love it hence why i like astronomy.

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My lucky strike it hit one of the massive steel watering troughs with a really loud "CLANG" all i heard was "what the f*** was that" and then heard them all screaming and running up the road some of the them seemed really scared. I was peeing my self laughing:D.


Hilarious. I would have loved to have been there! :)

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My darksite is on the middle of Dartmoor, so it can get pretty secluded. However, if anything makes me feel a bit uneasy, I tell myself that as a frequent gym goer, I'm the one they wouldn't want to meet on a dark night. Fortunately though, I've only ever puffed my chest out to a curious badger... they look pretty scary though.

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My house is set down in a dip which acts as a natural amphitheatre so any little noise sounds doubly loud. As someone said, those hedgehogs can be really scary. Their snuffling and grunting is so loud! The hedge around my garden is in the fork in two roads so there can be quite a bit of activity, particularly as it's the centre of the village. I do freeze and listen from time to time with my neck hair standing on end! Wotta wuss!:)

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Some time ago, when I travelled a lot, I purchased a torch for my wife. It had two purposes firstly it it very bright and has a fast flash mode which does effectively blind anyone who has even slight dark adaptation (i.e. a burglar rummaging around in the dark) and this brings us to the second purpose - its made from steel and very heavy for its size.

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