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Hi All

As i gain knowledge and start impressing my friends i need to make sure i am pronouncing things correctly - so - please can you advise how to pronounce Gibbous (as in the moon)

Is it Gib as in Gibbon


Is it Gib as in Gibberish


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I've had a very sheltered astronomy life (read solitary and self taught) so my pronunciation is bound to be suspect! As I now give talks to various organisations, I make great play of apologising in advance for any strange wording.

For me it is SIDE-earial (deliberate wrong spelling in an attempt to get the phonetics right)

But is Vega Vague-a of Vee-ga ?

However, all is well in Steppenwolf World ......

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My fav is still zuben-al-ganooooo-be

But I always get Aldebaran wrong... I say aldebran or if I'm feeling in a stairways mood...alderaan!

While I'm thinking of alignment stars does anyone else sing....cor caroli(ne) to the tune of the Neil Diamond classic?

We did a public event last year when a young lad proclaimed he knew 'that' star...pointing to Orion. That one's called Nigel! Poor lad...belly laughs all round! (in the nicest possible way you understand!)

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