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My laptop just died!!


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Just had my supper and came back to find that my laptop is dead! It was running (on the mains) all afternoon but is now quite dead - no power, no lights and stone cold! It won't "do" anything!

Any suggestions before I have an (expensive!) trip to the shop?

EDIT!!! It's alive again. Silly old Bizibilder had had the mains lead come out just enough for it to be runnung on batteries that had duly run down!!!

I feel a bit of a wally really!!!

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at least it is working again, when the southbridge chipset went in my ibm it cost about a ton to repair, but was worth it

Would it not of been cheaper to get a new / upgraded laptop? I've not yet had a repair that was cost viable ... nothing to do with the fact I like buying new laptops :D

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I have had an episode like that.When unbeknown to me,I had pulled the usb a-b cable out of my USB power hub.

I spent a hour or so trying to figure out why nothing worked EQMOD:no port found etc....:eek:

Uninstalled/Reinstalled EQMOD

Only to then see the cable on the floor........



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EDIT!!! It's alive again. Silly old Bizibilder had had the mains lead come out just enough for it to be runnung on batteries that had duly run down!!!

I feel a bit of a wally really!!!

Good to see you have a working lappie again.

So what goodies are you getting with all that money you just saved :D

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"He who laughs last, has made a backup"


I'm with Kh3ldar Yes you can repair, new psu, main logic, etc. But the sad fact is that IT kit is disposable, Once It has past it's 3rd birthday, start backing up the stuff you need, because it wont be long before something else dies, everything on PC's is trancient.


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god,compared to my story,yours is a walk in the park.

i play a game called astro empires and i woke up ten minutes after my fleet was blown up and smashed my laptop up and 5-6 buttons fell off and the screen came off, then i spilled a cup of tea on it and the keyboard fully broke so had to plug in a USB keyboard, then a year later i decide to take it apart to clean it because my USBs stopped working then went to pull it apart and it broke and would'nt turn on,so every week or 2 of would get it out then smack it around abit to try and get it working,then 3 weeks ago i find out how to take it apart properly and find out that the power wire had come out of its slot in the on button when i first tryed taking it apart,now it works.

only pronlam is the screen is hanging off and has no keyboard and it takes ages for it to start up.

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Would it not of been cheaper to get a new / upgraded laptop? I've not yet had a repair that was cost viable ... nothing to do with the fact I like buying new laptops :D

I could have replaced it with a second user T40 for not much more money, but its well spec`d and the T series are known for this southbridge fault, so i went for repair in the knowledge it should last years, rather than getting a replacement that could go at any time

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god,compared to my story,yours is a walk in the park.

i play a game called astro empires and i woke up ten minutes after my fleet was blown up and smashed my laptop up and 5-6 buttons fell off and the screen came off, then i spilled a cup of tea on it and the keyboard fully broke so had to plug in a USB keyboard, then a year later i decide to take it apart to clean it because my USBs stopped working then went to pull it apart and it broke and would'nt turn on,so every week or 2 of would get it out then smack it around abit to try and get it working,then 3 weeks ago i find out how to take it apart properly and find out that the power wire had come out of its slot in the on button when i first tryed taking it apart,now it works.

only pronlam is the screen is hanging off and has no keyboard and it takes ages for it to start up.

Wow, now thats a story, maybe a trip to the computer shop next time hey..

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Had a laptop a year or so ago and the hard drive packed, lost everything, so I got a new laptop, about 6 months later my father in laws laptop packed up so ripped the hard drive out and fix mine, so now have two laptops, but one lesson has been learn't, back everything up:o

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My old laptop died, so I tried taking out the battery, plugging in the mains lead, and hey presto, it worked. When computer batteries die they stop the computer working - just take the offending battery out!!!

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Bizibilder - the old fool! - had plugged in his backup hard drive instaed of the lappy!! I only found out when I came to "power down" for the night. I now have labels on all the plugs that reside in "sphagetti junction" under the 'puter desk.

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Batteries are the most dramatic tech object of all, because other things just stop working or they break. But batteries...they die.

If you're a battery you're either working or you're dead. That's a rubbish life.

aint that what us humans do all the time?

dam batterys tryin to be human :D

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I think modern batteries (Lion NiCad etc) have a soul (ish)

Unlike most kit, as they get older, you cant expect too much out of them, their duty cycle gets less and less, Untill you make the big decision and send them back to their maker! as for as NiCads, I think they were created with Altziemers.

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Just had my supper and came back to find that my laptop is dead! It was running (on the mains) all afternoon but is now quite dead - no power, no lights and stone cold! It won't "do" anything!

Any suggestions before I have an (expensive!) trip to the shop?

EDIT!!! It's alive again. Silly old Bizibilder had had the mains lead come out just enough for it to be runnung on batteries that had duly run down!!!

I feel a bit of a wally really!!!

Been there!! On my desk at work I have nine computers which are a mixture of PC's and Apple Mac. One day, at about lunchtime, they all died one after the other! I thought 'VIRUS!!' until it occurred to me that a virus was unlikely to hit both types.

It turns out that the cleaner had unplugged the extension leads that connect them all up to run her hoover the night before and likes yours, they all ran their batteries down.

To say I nearly had a heart attack is putting it mildly! :D

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