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What telescope do you most regret selling?


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I've owned around 25 scopes since I started in the hobby around 30 years ago so I've had to let lots go. I had one of the first generation of TAL100 refractors to come into the UK back in 1999 which I wish I had hung onto. I'd have really liked to have been able to justify hanging on to my old Intes MN61 maksutov-newtonian but I know it's gone to a good home and SGL member. An original blue tube ED100 was another one I wish I still had although it would duplicate my Vixen ED102SS I guess (as the TAL100 would have). I had a nice Celestron C8 plus from the 1990's a few years back, which gave me my best views of Saturn - I'd be tempted to own another C8 if the chance comes along as I don't have an 8" scope at the moment.

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My C100ED that I bought at SGL6 earlier in the year and sold a few weeks later for the same amount as I bought it for. My intention was to use it as my planetary and solar viewing 'scope but the EQ mount I had was wholly inadequate for the tube and I was in need of some quick cash so it went.

I promise though that I will get another one day and put it on a mount that will not hold it back.

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Where to start?

SW 130pm, my first scope. Traded in which was a mistake!

Helios 5" frac. Was given to me and a lovely scope. Traded in for a

Tal 2M. Should have kept that one!

Other than that, I'm happy with all the other scopes that I've had and sold/traded/given away etc. They served a purpose and have gone to better homes.


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Good thread this.

I myself have been an off & on astronomer since Hale Bopp first showed up.

I bought my first scope and traded it in the next day for a bigger one Tal 65mm up to a Tal 1.

Just purchased a 65mm a few weeks back for thew nostalgia :).

The 1st real decent scope aside from the T1 was as LOMO 102mn Astelle now I really miss that, sold it for a song too :)

I would love another one though but they are like Hens Teeth :)

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My first ever scope a Tasco 60mm refractor bought new in 1967, I loved that scope it gave me my first views of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter, my eyes were young enough then to even see colour in M42 through it. I gave it away in the mid 80's and still regret it now.

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Which telescope have you sold or given away that you most want back?

I've never sold a scope so I have no regrets so far!

I'm the same - I dare not part with any of them and have a collection of six.

This may become seven as I am toying with the idea of the new Altair Astro 115mm refractor.

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I find it much easier to buy than to sell. For every new one, I find it more and more difficult to explain to my better half why I need another one. My "basket" of arguments will soon be empty.....


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