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"Serious" astronomy

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Caution rant imminent!:D

This "for serious" whatever is an expression that really bugs me.

After all if it was "serious" what kind of a hobby would it be.

We would all be stooped over our scopes with long faces and miserable personas.

I am always "having fun" when I observe, and am never "serious" whether using 10x50 bins or my larger Dob. It makes no difference to me whether I am, having a quick gander at the moon or scrutinising fine detail in a distant Galaxy, I'm still "having fun".

Just because you are using an expensive photographic rig makes you no more "serious" than someone else using a 50mm first scope. "serious" is a state of mind not an equipment requirement.

So when it is said "For serious" whatever makes me think "what the he'll are they on about"?

Maybe they mean "for serious fun", but what kind of stupid expression is that? How can you have serious fun? :D

Even when we have spent "seriously" over budget do we not still have fun?

When we finally see the spiral arms of a distant Galaxy do we suddenly become "serious"?

Maybe some do, but it sure as he'll don't make me "serious", far from it. It makes me as happy as a pig in.......well you know.

So "seriously" people, let's drop this "serious" bit and just have fun.:D

OK rant over.:D

You can tell it's cloudy huh?;)

Regards Steve

Ps sorry, if I "seriously" just wound you up.:)

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IMO something is serious if it pays the "rent or mortgage" if neither of those apply its a hobby.

I like this definition. I think the word serious gets used to describe somebody with expensive kit or well experienced or spends more time than most on the hobby. Things only get serious when there is week after week of cloud.:D

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It's a funny thing, is fun. For me, doing a sport or watching a film or observing at night isn't fun if I don't take it seriously. Is that ridiculous? Quite possibly but that's how it is. However, there is a difference between taking something seriously and taking it solemnly. That I certainly don't do. When I used to race bikes the whole idea was to go at it like a mad dog. Being a mad dog was great fun. Going at it like a half interested over-fed house pet would have been no fun at all!

So fun can be fluffy giggling but it can also be something else bizarrely and paradoxically close to seriousness - for me at least.


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Just because you are using an expensive photographic rig makes you no more "serious" than someone else using a 50mm first scope. "serious" is a state of mind not an equipment requirement.

Seriously, i am being serious about having fun, i think ;):D,Ok, the truth is, i have CCD equipment, but the reason for that is i live in a light polluted city, these CCD's allow me to cut though all the light pollution and general pollution caused by living near a city, and this has opened up more viewing for me, so without these CCD's i couldn't have serious fun observing.

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This "for serious" whatever is an expression that really bugs me.
It's a code word for "rich".

if you have to resort to flattering your customers: appealing to their vanity by making your products appear exclusive, then you can bet that product is overpriced.

The same thing happens in the world of computer games. Make a product like a keyboard or a mouse. Market it as a gaming mouse and you can instantly charge 5 times more for it. Put a picture of a monster on the box and you can jack the price up even more :D

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Hmm. Some astronomers have told me I take astronomy "too seriously", yet I'm sure I always have much more fun than they do!

And in my experience, in most cases, the amateurs who spend the most on astronomical equipment are usually those who have the least interest in astronomy. Once they get over the novelty of proudly displaying their astro gear, they move on to something completely different...but which always involves flashy and expensive gear.

Are you as amazed as I am by just how many people there are in this hobby who can reel off things such as Strehl ratios for long lists of telescopes, yet, if pressed, don't even know the basics of astronomy? But perhaps they are just "very serious"... :-)

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Don't forget the second definition of "serious" :

Demanding careful consideration or application

Now, I don't know if you've ever drift aligned, but by that definition, this hobby can certainly be serious. Doesn't mean it isn't rewarding.

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I'll be in the same trouble as you Faulksy, when my partner find out about the Baader i've sent for, gulp!

This is definitely not serious for me, just a hobby, which i'm learning about - slowly! I wish it could pay the bills mind you!


every time i order something i tell them not to send recipt, just in case the missis does beat me to the post:D

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My take is that "for serious" decodes as simply meaning 'Willing to spend a large amount of money". :D

I don't make any connection between how seriously people take this hobby and what they spend on it. You only have to look at the time some people on this forum spend on astronomy, the results they achieve and the fun they have - often with fairly modest equipment - to know that it is not all about money.

For me, ultimately a hobby should be rewarding (if not always fun) and I think folks can take it as seriously as they like...

I think astronomy is relatively free of the "you don't want to do it like that" brigade that blights some other hobbies. Long may that be!

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I don't make any connection between how seriously people take this hobby and what they spend on it. You only have to look at the time some people on this forum spend on astronomy, the results they achieve and the fun they have - often with fairly modest equipment - to know that it is not all about money.

I agree, but when companies who are making / selling expensive kit use a term like "for the serious astronomer", by 'serious' they probably do mean "Willing to shell out the cash to buy this". :D

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I know one guy who has an ST80 on a tripod. He does satellite timing work and variable star observations on every clear night, he submits his data to the AAVSO/BAA etc, and it all goes in to a science data collection pool. How much you spend is no factor I think in how "serious" or not you are. Astronomy is fun, and I am sure when he's making his observations, he's having fun doing so

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Don't forget the second definition of "serious" :

Demanding careful consideration or application

Now, I don't know if you've ever drift aligned, but by that definition, this hobby can certainly be serious. Doesn't mean it isn't rewarding.

A good point because astro-photography definately requires careful consideration or application. But we can still have fun along the way me thinks ;-)

Im sure the word is only being used lightly. The only time this hobby could become serious serious would be an impending meteor impact! :D


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