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How cold is too cold

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I pretty much call it the extreme north not because of the cold but because we are situated an 8 hour drive from the nearest civilized town. I teach in a native community (although non-native myself) of about 500 people where many services are lacking. Groceries? I fax my order on Friday to receive it the following week. Make a mistake? Doh!

What makes it cold where I am is not really the latitude but the relatively flat land and the forceful arctic winds that hit with brute force. There are many times when the temperature is comfortable but the wind makes you run for cover!


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I pretty much call it the extreme north not because of the cold but because we are situated an 8 hour drive from the nearest civilized town.

I have moved, and I think that I am now north of you, and a long way west. I don't think it is as cold here, though, and I live in a city of 80,000.

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8 hour drive to the nearest town, that is some distance Isabelle, you really are in the middle of it...nothing that is. :p

Just had a visit down to the south of England only last week and it took me around 8 hours to travel roughly 340 miles.

No civilization was found along the way here too ;)

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80 000, now that's a lot of people! I'm not saying that I'm anti-social but I prefer something less populated!

Yeah, I'm in the middle of nothing where no services are found. Why on earth they had to put the teacher's houses right next to the baseball lights is beyond me. I have no regular mail but have baseball lights ruining my night sky?

Cold or no cold,.. I'm going to shoot those things one of these days! Thank goodness they care more about hockey than baseball in the winter!


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I was wondering with the autumn and winter coming how cold is too cold for a telescope ?

i have to laugh , and no offence meant , but your signature says fareham , and if im not mistaken that is down south on just about on the south coast of england , near portsmouth ? all i can tell you is you are in for a mild winter !! at loudoun hill where i am , it regularly went below -18 , one afternoon it was -14 in the sun at 2 o`clock , it stayed below -18 (my thermometer stops at -18lol) every night for almost two weeks ,so i dont really know how cold it was , the we had a mild spell over christmas , -5ish , then another week and half of -18 or colder , and that is in scotland , we have forum members in the wilds of canada where it will drop below -40 regularly . the scopes are fine with cold ! the only problem i had was the handset of my skywatcher , it ran really slow and the numberss/letters on the display all kind of merged into a blob , so i modded a big woolly hill walking sock into a jacket for it , worked fine after that .

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I own a freezer because the local wildlife would find and eat the food. We have timber wolves here. not the kind of "friends" one would like to hang around their backyard.

Mind you, I have to admit that I wouldn't mind a pack lying around for my viewing pleasure!


You observe when it's -45 and there wolves around! You get the prize for most hardcore astronomer.

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Isabelle, I am very jealous of your location. I've worked in Canada at Suffield in Alberta a few times (for 6 months at at time) and have had an extended stay Winnipeg and a number of weeks in Dawson City in the Yokon and across the border to Alaska. Canada is possibly (and have worked from southern india to alaska) the place I would most like to settle. Lovely people, great environment and clear skies. t's official...................I LOVE Canada! (Although I live in the heat of Italy???)

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We recorded -25 deg C last winter here in the Welsh hills - at 1500 feet up it can get cold at times. Low temperature won't put me off or even stop my equipment working, the biggest problem is if there is strong wind as well.

Tip- don't rely on batteries in your cameras etc- use power supplies for your devices.

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I, too, love Canada, and I have lived and worked in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick.

Isabelle, I have checked, and I am north of you, but you are colder. The normal highs and lows for now are about 14 and 2 for me and 9 and 1 for you.

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in extreme cold I'd imagine you need to be careful about your face sticking to the eyepiece / OTA?

Another reason for long eye relief :p:D

I once went meteor watching (Bootids, January 4, 2:30-5:30 am) in what turned out to be the coldest night in half a century near where I lived: -27.3 C. Seriously cold when you have to sit still.

In my current set up I would worry about the battery pack, not the optics.

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