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Hello from Michigan


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Great community you have here. I've been browsing your forums since I picked up the hobby a month ago, quite unexpectedly...

I have always been fascinated with space. In college I was fortunate to be able to take a cosmology course, which was highly enjoyable. One night the professor took us to the school's observatory after class, where he showed us beautiful Saturn. That was a life changing moment for me. But it has been many years since then, life happens I guess, and that had been my only look through a telescope until just recently.

This summer I've settled down, got married and bought my first house. My wife made friends with the neighbors, who had us over one afternoon for a grill out. They must have noticed me staring at their telescope, because shortly after they gave it to us! They never use it, they said. They're too busy raising teenagers I guess.

The telescope is a Celestron C6N, the same one described here, except without the motor drive. I've basically been obsessed since the first night I brought it out. I've read a lot about the life cycle of stars, distant galaxies, exoplanets, HII regions, and all that stuff my whole life, but I found that I know very little about our night sky itself! It has been a great joy to learn to read our sky for the first time.

I am lucky to live in a sparsely populated area of Michigan with low light pollution. I am also completely blind in one eye (have been since I was 19), which I think makes looking into an eyepiece much more natural for me. It seems that I've found the perfect hobby.

I only have a single eyepiece right now, a 20mm. I'll need to save up some beer money to buy a couple more.

I've been keeping a journal of my observations. So far I've seen:


The Double Double



Mizar and Alcor

The Moon



Beta Pegasi





Cassiopeia (traced the five main stars)

M 103

NGC 457

And of course I've done a lot of aimless browsing. My favorite so far is Jupiter! I have seen four of its moons and can clearly see two of its red/rust colored cloud bands.

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Hi NGC1337, Galaxy in Eridanus

A very warm welcome to the SGL Sounds like you have a really great neighbour

giving you that lovely scope and now your hooked , now make shore he keeps his lights off :-)


Essex UK

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