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Upgrading Budget Eyepieces Dilemma

Admiral Crispy

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Hi there,

I am the owner of a Skywatcher Skyliner 250px, with 10mm and 25mm supplied with the scope, and also a £15 budget 2 x barlow.

Now, I am very happy with my 25mm eyepiece, but feel that the view from my 10mm is blurry, and full of stars forming 'eagles' from about 60% field of view. My scope is well collimated.

I have about £150 to spend, and was wondering if it was worth replacing my eyepiece? I want to see as faint as possible, and was wondering if my 10mm eyepiece quality was limiting the scope's limiting magnitude significantly (eg. preventing me seeing Triton and Uranian moons), and by how much?

Also, I have been looking at getting a 11mm Televue plossl, and 2x Televue 2x barlow, to replace my existing bralow (which I need for my webcam imaging), and 10mm, but feel that would leave me short to buy a wide angle low magnification eyepiece to take in DSOs! Would I be better off ignoring a wide angle eyepiece for now and going for the quality with Televue?

Are there any brands ofd eyepiece that would be recommended to replace my 10mm and 2x barlow lens, and still leave me with some money to buy a wide angle eyepiece (eg. 32mm, 66 degree view)?

Or am I better off staying with the eyepieces I already have?

I had also wanted to get a digital compass to help locate stars in azimuth mode, and was wondering if this should be a priority instead?

Please help, especially on the eyepieces front, as I want some good quality eyepieces, but hopfully wnat to replace my barlow and 10mm eyepiece and get a good wide angle eyepiece!



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hi and welcome to the forum , if i was you i would be having a look at the plossel kit from gso/revalation , a few sites have them i belive and kit retails below 150 , great quality for the price , celestron and sw just rebrand them and sell them for much more !! or another option could be a baader hperion zoom ,around 180 quid ? cheers

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Hi Chris and welcome to SGL...i've been away for a while but see it's still the very warm welcoming and friendly SGL that greeted me when i 1st joined. I'm about to order myself a new Baaeder Hyperion 3.5 as a substitute for the NEQ6 i'm still waiting to aquire :) so i hope you find the info and help you're looking for


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