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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. Warm evening out, around 16ºC. Really quite peaceful sitting under the ghostly light of a passing Jupiter and Moon.

  2. settled down in the new house. hopefully I can start observations again soon

  3. I love rain.

  4. Astronomy and stargazing really is a very satisfying and beautiful passtime.

  5. I think this is the worst weather I've experienced in over 2 years. We're already 12 days into the New Year. Not a single night out under the stars and I've only seen the Sun 5 times!! Absolute rubbish. Foggy all weekend and now it's tipping down :-(

  6. Picked up my new dob today and it's clear .13" f7 !!!!!!! .

  7. Just a quick one to thank everyone here at SGL. I hope you all enjoy all the magic that this winter season brings x

  8. Hunting around the flat looking for stuff to sell to purchase a used Celestron C8 without much joy.

  9. Will I ever understand astro photography......

  10. One more week of slog before the hols... Yipeeee

  11. Amazing dark site session tonight. Rather amusingly, however, just about everything either frooze or dewed over; my glasses, the finder, scope's shroud, eyepieces and cases, my shoes, everything :-)

  12. Vixen 90L 90mm F14.4 (1300mm) has landed!!!

  13. Obsy Built in 60mins :)

  14. Nice session tonight with Io's transit, the Moon and a few doubles there about. But tonight for some reason I just couldn't relax. Strange things are moods. I don't even know what they really are.

  15. 72 hours of continuous rain and counting. Never seen anything like it! Only last week we were in the high sun-shining 20ºc's. Hopefully clear up in a few days but certainly winter has started with avengence.

  16. Has anyone got the winning numbers for the lotto this saturday please?

  17. I have reverse aperture fever. I have a 16" f4 dob and bought a 12" f4 dob and have now bought a 4.5" f4.3 newtonian and am loving it. I still have the others but the little guy is so dinky.

  18. Had a short session outside with the little swift 839, i think i have it working very sweetly now, great little 60mm frac

  19. Lovely session with Jupiter tonight. Caught both Ganymede's transit and the GRS. Judging by the boldness of the GRS this evening, I think we're in for a treat this winter.

  20. Loving the Halloween header on the site :) Nice one Admins!

  21. I have given in to temptation, after a very long quest and purchased a TAL125r Achro refractor, will do a write up once i have had time to do some viewing with this very rare 5" Siberian beauty

  22. I have given in to temptation, after a very long quest and purchased a TAL125r Achro refractor, will do a write up once i have had time to do some viewing with this very rare 5" Siberian beauty

  23. Just noticed my first few grey hairs :) Jane says they are white - bleedin' cheek!

  24. I managed it! Left scope to cool at 7pm. Finished the Pilar parties at 4am. Came home and enjoying the 3 Jovian Moon transit. Just gone 7am, so time for bed and then preparing a mid-day meal for the in-laws to wind up the fiestas....

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