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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. Cloud maybe breaking up - a few stars visible. Think I'll risk it!

  2. So many clouds... .Hope they go soon!

  3. I hope to get a look with my Tal 100 tonight, got a new 5mm ortho today

  4. Windy out there.....

  5. Looking forwards to the Moon and Jupiter.

  6. Sunny all day. Gets dark and the clouds come out to play :(

  7. Have never seen the sun so active as today!

  8. Getting the new kit out :)

  9. i just want to use my new stuff!!!!

  10. Spetacular Evening.

  11. Spetacular Evening.

  12. EEK! im ready to power up the HEQ5 syntrek, after all this time!

  13. Cold out there...trying to get the motivation going to get out and stay out!

  14. At least I managed 30mins before the cloud came in...

  15. one more shift then 15 days off, oh i hope i get some cold clear nights

  16. Newbie managed to fit new feathertouch motorised focuser to scope all on my own. yay!

  17. HEQ5 syntrek ordered happy but skint

  18. Depressed after Mot and service (and significantly lighte rin the wallet department)

  19. Depressed after Mot and service (and significantly lighte rin the wallet department)

  20. Peak Star Party tomorrow!

  21. Its days like this I wish I had a solar scope.

  22. Urghh - just got home after a 500 mile drive, and now too tired to observe - bet its cloudy tomorrow!

  23. Beautiful scene to see a gibbous pink moon framed by Jupiter, Alnath and Aldebara.

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