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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. Going dark - clouding over, Same old, same old!

  2. My girlfriend isn't really one for space things, but she was suitably impressed with Hadfield's Space Oddity. She's singing along in that thick English accent only the Spanish know how to do. I'm rather impressed by her own rendition.

  3. My girlfriend isn't really one for space things, but she was suitably impressed with Hadfield's Space Oddity. She's singing along in that thick English accent only the Spanish know how to do. I'm rather impressed by her own rendition.

  4. May be lucky and get an hour in later.

  5. RE: Double Post. I've seen this problem arising. For the time being, just click 'post' once when submitting and even if it looks like it hasn't gone through...it has. If you click twice, you'll get the double post.

  6. Just taken delivery of my AZ4 which I got at a bargain price..:)

  7. We have having a mini star camp in Lincolnshire next weekend...Anyone else fancy joining us 6..?

  8. Really looking forward to lincolnshire star party, still places left

  9. Whoa! I've been a member of SGL for over a year now! Thanks to everyone who's given me advice!

  10. Just bought a Celestron C11 Goto from FLO... WHOOHOO!!!

  11. Bored of winter now - please give me one clear night, for pity's sake!

  12. Well, my new scope is ready and I'm hoping for some clear skies!

  13. It's starting to feel a bit like The Day After tomorrow!

  14. Had a nice night last night - good clear skies.

  15. Spotted PANSTARRS finally

  16. I have choosen to step down as a moderator, this is for personnel reasons in my relationship that im trying to get back on track, and in no way reflects on SGL forum

  17. well, that`s a four year relationship down the drain,

  18. Meh. Fogged out :(.

  19. Still grim in my part of Spain: 17 nights of heavy cloud...

  20. Weather forcasting? Cutting edge of science or fatuous waste of time? Discuss!

  21. One more week and i will be pitched at Lucksall :-D

  22. Set-up scope, clouded over before I coud even align :(

  23. Just bought myself a Corsa 1.3CDTI as the 320D went bang :( Lasted me well though...

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